Arachnids of North Carolina
Scientific Name: Common Name: Family (Alpha):

48 species for Graham County

Funnel WeaversAGELENIDAECoras lamellosusa funnel weaver
Coras medicinalisa funnel weaver
Wadotes deceptis
Wadotes unidentified speciesa funnel weaver
Orb WeaversARANEIDAEAraneus bicentenariuslichenmarked orbweaver
Araneus cingulatusan orbweaver
Araneus guttulatusan orbweaver
Araneus marmoreusMarbled orbweaver
Argiope aurantiayellow garden spider
Eustala anasteraHumpbacked orbweaver
Micrathena gracilisspined Micrathena
Micrathena mitratawhite micrathena
Neoscona cruciferaSpotted Orbweaver
Neoscona domicilioruma spotted orbweaver
Verrucosa arenataan orb weaver
Sac SpidersCLUBIONIDAEElaver exceptaa sac spider
No Colloquial NameCYBAEIDAECalymmaria persicaa basket-web weaver
DOLOMEDIDAEDolomedes scriptusStriped fishing spider
Dolomedes tenebrosusDark fishing spider
Dolomedes vittatusa fishing spider
HYPOCHILIDAEHypochilus pococki - western cladeA Lampshade Spider
Sheetweb and Dwarf SpidersLINYPHIIDAEFlorinda coccineaBlack-tailed red sheetweaver, scarlet sheetweaver
Wolf SpidersLYCOSIDAEPirata aspiransa pirate wolf spider
Rabidosa rabidaRabid Wolf Spider
Tigrosa aspersaa wolf spider
No Colloquial NameNEPHILIDAETrichonephila clavata an orbweaver
Scaffold Web SpidersNESTICIDAENesticus reclususa cave cobweb spider
Nesticus shearia cave cobweb spider
Nesticus bondia cave cobweb spider
Armoured harvestmenPHALANGODIDAEBishopella laciniosa
Theromaster brunneus
Nursery Web SpidersPISAURIDAEPisaurina miranursery web spider
No Colloquial NameSABACONIDAESabacon cavicolens
Jumping SpidersSALTICIDAEEris militarisBronze jumping spider
Chinattus parvulusa jumping spider
Paraphidippus aurantiusEmerald jumping spider
Pelegrina flavipesa jumping spider
No Colloquial NameSCLEROSOMATIDAELeiobunum politum
Leiobunum ventricosum
Leiobunum euserratipalpe
Long-jawed Orb WeaversTETRAGNATHIDAELeucauge venustaorchard orbweaver
Tetragnatha elongataa longjawed orbweaver
Cobweb SpidersTHERIDIIDAEParasteatoda tepidariorumcommon house spider
Crab SpidersTHOMISIDAEBassaniana versicolora bark crab spider
Mecaphesa asperataNorthern crab spider
No Colloquial NameTRACHELIDAETrachelas tranquillusa cuspuled spider
Armoured harvestmenTRIAENONYCHIDAEFumontana deprehendor
False Wolf Spiders & Wandering SpidersZOROPSIDAELiocranoides coylei