Arachnids of North Carolina
Scientific Name: Common Name: Family (Alpha):

62 species for Mitchell County

Funnel WeaversAGELENIDAEAgelenopsis pennsylvanicaa grass spider
Agelenopsis utahanaa grass spider
Agelenopsis unidentified species
Hacklemesh WeaversAMAUROBIIDAECallobius bennettia hackledmesh weaver
Ghost SpidersANYPHAENIDAEAnyphaena fraternaa ghost spider
Anyphaena pectorosaa ghost spider
Orb WeaversARANEIDAEAcacesia hamatadifoliate orbweaver
Araneus cingulatusan orbweaver
Araneus nordmannian orbweaver
Araniella displicataSixspotted orbweaver
Eustala anasteraHumpbacked orbweaver
Larinia directaan orbweaver
Larinioides patagiatusan orbweaver
Mangora placidatuftlegged orbweaver
Neoscona arabescaArabesque orbweaver
Verrucosa arenataan orb weaver
Sac SpidersCLUBIONIDAEElaver exceptaa sac spider
Clubiona unidentified speciesa leafcurling sac spider
Clubiona kulczynskiia leafcurling sac spider
No Colloquial NameCYBAEIDAECybaeus silicisa cybaeid
HYPOCHILIDAEHypochilus pococki - elk cladeA Lampshade Spider
Sheetweb and Dwarf SpidersLINYPHIIDAECeraticelus emertonia dwarf spider
Ceraticelus similisa dwarf spider
Ceratinops carolinusa dwarf spider
Erigone autumnalisa dwarf spider
Frontinella pyramitelabowl and doily weaver
Neriene radiataFilmy dome spider
Wolf SpidersLYCOSIDAEPiratula minutaa pirate wolf spider
Pardosa moestaa thinlegged wolf spider
No Colloquial NameMICROHEXURIDAEMicrohexura montivagaSpruce-fir Moss Spider
Scaffold Web SpidersNESTICIDAENesticus payneia cave cobweb spider
Nesticus roanensisa cave cobweb spider
Lynx SpidersOXYOPIDAEOxyopes salticusstriped lynx spider
No Colloquial NamePHALANGIIDAEOdiellus nubivagus
Odiellus pictus
Armoured harvestmenPHALANGODIDAEBishopella laciniosa
Theromaster brunneus
No Colloquial NamePHOLCIDAEPholcus phalangioidesLongbodied cellar spider
PHONOGNATHIDAEZygiella nearcticaan orbweaver
Nursery Web SpidersPISAURIDAEPisaurina miranursery web spider
Jumping SpidersSALTICIDAEPelegrina galatheapeppered jumper
Pelegrina protervaa jumping spider
Phidippus audaxBold jumper, Daring jumping spider
Phidippus clarusRed-backed jumping spider
No Colloquial NameSCLEROSOMATIDAELeiobunum crassipalpe
Leiobunum nigropalpi
Leiobunum uxorium
Leiobunum euserratipalpe
Long-jawed Orb WeaversTETRAGNATHIDAELeucauge venustaorchard orbweaver
Tetragnatha laboriosasilver longjawed orbweaver
Cobweb SpidersTHERIDIIDAEPhylloneta pictipesa cobweb spider
Spintharus flavidusa cobweb spider
Theridion frondeuma cobweb spider
Theridula opulentaa cobweb spider
Crab SpidersTHOMISIDAEMecaphesa asperataNorthern crab spider
Misumena vatiagoldenrod crab spider
Misumenoides formosipeswhitebanded crab spider
Misumessus oblongusa crab spider
Synema parvuluma crab spider
Tmarus angulatusa crab spider
Xysticus feroxa ground crab spider
Xysticus triguttatusa ground crab spider