Arachnids of North Carolina
Scientific Name: Common Name: Family (Alpha):

178 species for Wake County

Funnel WeaversAGELENIDAEAgelenopsis kastonia grass spider
Agelenopsis naeviaa grass spider
Agelenopsis pennsylvanicaa grass spider
Barronopsis texanaa funnel weaver
Barronopsis unidentified speciesa funnel weaver
Ghost SpidersANYPHAENIDAEAnyphaena celera ghost spider
Anyphaena pectorosaa ghost spider
Hibana gracilisgarden ghost spider
Lupettiana mordaxa ghost spider
Wulfila albensa ghost spider
Orb WeaversARANEIDAEAcacesia hamatadifoliate orbweaver
Acanthepeira cherokeean orbweaver
Acanthepeira stellataStar-bellied orb weaver
Araneus alboventrisan orbweaver
Araneus cingulatusan orbweaver
Araneus guttulatusan orbweaver
Araneus marmoreusMarbled orbweaver
Argiope aurantiayellow garden spider
Argiope trifasciataBanded garden spider, Banded Argiope
Cyclosa conicaa trashline spider
Eustala anasteraHumpbacked orbweaver
Gasteracantha cancriformisSpinybacked orbweaver
Larinia directaan orbweaver
Larinioides cornutusFurrow orbweaver
Mangora gibberosaLined orbweaver
Mangora placidatuftlegged orbweaver
Mastophora timuquaa bolas spider
Mecynogea lemniscataBasilica orbweaver
Metepeira labyrintheaLabyrinth orbweaver
Micrathena gracilisspined Micrathena
Micrathena mitratawhite micrathena
Micrathena sagittataArrowshaped Micrathena
Neoscona arabescaArabesque orbweaver
Neoscona cruciferaSpotted Orbweaver
Neoscona domicilioruma spotted orbweaver
Ocrepeira ectypaAsterisk spider
Verrucosa arenataan orb weaver
Purseweb SpidersATYPIDAESphodros atlanticusa purseweb spider
Sphodros rufipesredlegged purseweb spider
No Colloquial NameBUTHIDAECentruroides vittatusStriped Bark Scorpion
Centruroides hentziHentz Striped Scorpion
CHEIRACANTHIIDAECheiracanthium inclusumagrarian sac spider
CHTHONIIDAEEphippiochthonius tetrachelatus
Sac SpidersCLUBIONIDAEElaver exceptaa sac spider
Clubiona unidentified speciesa leafcurling sac spider
Clubiona procteria leafcurling sac spider
Antmimics and Ground Sac SpidersCORINNIDAECastianeira amoenaorange antmimic
Castianeira descriptaredspotted antmimic
Castianeira longipalpusmanybanded antmimic
Armoured harvestmenCOSMETIDAELibitioides sayiSay's Armored Harvestman
Mesh Web WeaversDICTYNIDAEEmblyna sublataa mesh web spider
No Colloquial NameDOLOMEDIDAEDolomedes albineuswhitebanded fishing spider
Dolomedes tenebrosusDark fishing spider
Dolomedes tritonSix-spotted fishing spider
Dolomedes vittatusa fishing spider
DYSDERIDAEDysdera unidentified species
Wafer-lid Trapdoor SpidersEUCTENIZIDAEMyrmekiaphila foliatawafer-lid trapdoor spider
Ground SpidersGNAPHOSIDAEDrassyllus covensisa ground spider
Drassyllus eremitusa ground spider
Gnaphosa sericataa ground spider
Sergiolus capulatusVariegated Ground Spider
Sergiolus minutusa ground spider
Sergiolus ocellatusa ground spider
No Colloquial NameHAHNIIDAENeoantistea magnaa comb-tailed spider
Hahnia flaviceps
HALONOPROCTIDAEUmmidia unidentified speciesa corklid trapdoor spider
Ummidia audouinia cork-lid trapdoor spider
Ummidia neilgaimania cork-lid trapdoor spider
Sheetweb and Dwarf SpidersLINYPHIIDAECeraticelus laetabilisa dwarf spider
Hypselistes florenssplendid dwarf spider
Origanates rostratusa dwarf spider
Scylaceus pallidusa dwarf spider
Agyneta angulataa sheetweb weaver
Bathyphantes pallidusa sheetweb weaver
Centromerus denticulatusa sheetweb weaver
Centromerus latidensa sheetweb weaver
Florinda coccineaBlack-tailed red sheetweaver, scarlet sheetweaver
Frontinella pyramitelabowl and doily weaver
Linyphiidae unidentified speciesa sheetweb weaver
Agyneta evadensa sheetweb weaver
Liocranid Sac SpidersLIOCRANIDAEAgroeca pratensis
Wolf SpidersLYCOSIDAEAllocosa funereaa wolf spider
Arctosa littoralisShoreline wolf spider
Gladicosa pulchraa wolf spider
Hogna carolinensisCarolina wolf spider
Hogna lentaField wolf spider
Pardosa milvinaa thinlegged wolf spider spider
Pirata sedentariusa pirate wolf spider
Rabidosa punctulataDotted wolf spider
Rabidosa rabidaRabid Wolf Spider
Schizocosa avidaa wolf spider
Schizocosa ocreataBrushlegged wolf spider
Tigrosa georgicolaa wolf spider
Schizocosa unidentified species
Pirate spidersMIMETIDAEMimetus notiusa pirate spider
Mimetus puritanusa pirate spider
Prowling SpidersMITURGIDAEZora pumilaa prowling spider
No Colloquial NameNEPHILIDAETrichonephila clavipesGolden Silk orbweaver
Wall spidersOECOBIIDAEOecobius cellarioruma flatmesh weaver
Oecobius navusa flatmesh weaver
Lynx SpidersOXYOPIDAEOxyopes aglossusa lynx spider
Oxyopes salticusstriped lynx spider
Peucetia viridansgreen lynx spider
Oxyopes cougara lynx spider
Armoured harvestmenPHALANGODIDAEErebomaster acanthinus
Running Crab SpidersPHILODROMIDAEPhilodromus marxiMetallic crab spider
Philodromus praelustrisCanadian crab spider
Philodromus rufusa running crab spider
Philodromus unidentified speciesrunning crab spiders
No Colloquial NamePHOLCIDAEPholcus phalangioidesLongbodied cellar spider
Pholcus manuelia cellar spider
Crossopriza lyonia cellar spider
PHRUROLITHIDAEScotinella singula
Phrurotimpus borealisa phrurolithid
Scotinella redempta
Scotinella unidentified species
Phrurotimpus annulatusa phrurolithid
Phrurotimpus umbratilisa phrurolithid
Nursery Web SpidersPISAURIDAEPisaurina miranursery web spider
Jumping SpidersSALTICIDAEHabronattus coecatusa jumping spider
Hentzia mitrataa jumping spider
Hentzia palmarumLongjawed jumping spider
Lyssomanes viridisMagnolia green jumper
Maevia inclemensDimorphic jumping spider
Metacyrba unidentified speciesa jumping spider
Paraphidippus aurantiusEmerald jumping spider
Pelegrina galatheapeppered jumper
Pelegrina protervaa jumping spider
Phidippus audaxBold jumper, Daring jumping spider
Phidippus clarusRed-backed jumping spider
Phidippus otiosusa jumping spider
Phidippus putnamia jumping spider
Phidippus whitmaniWhitman's jumping spider
Platycryptus undatusa jumping spider
Sassacus cyaneusa jumping spider
Colonus puerperusa jumping spider
Zygoballus rufipeshammerjawed jumper
Metacyrba floridanaa jumping spider
Phidippus apacheanusApache Jumping Spider
Peckhamia unidentified speciesan antmimic jumping spider
No Colloquial NameSCLEROSOMATIDAELeiobunum formosum
Leiobunum politum
Leiobunum vittatum
Leiobunum euserratipalpe
SCYTODIDAEScytodes thoracicaa spitting spider
Scytodes atlacoyaa spitting spider
SICARIIDAELoxosceles reclusaBrown Recluse
Loxosceles rufescensMediterranean Recluse
Giant Crab SpidersSPARASSIDAEHeteropoda venatoriaGiant crab spider
Long-jawed Orb WeaversTETRAGNATHIDAELeucauge venustaorchard orbweaver
Tetragnatha elongataa longjawed orbweaver
Tetragnatha viridisGreen longjawed orbweaver
Cobweb SpidersTHERIDIIDAEAnelosimus studiosusa cobweb spider
Argyrodes elevatusa dewdrop spider
Euryopis funebrisa cobweb spider
Latrodectus mactansSouthern black widow
Latrodectus variolusNorthern black widow
Neospintharus trigonuma cobweb spider
Parasteatoda tepidariorumcommon house spider
Rhomphaea fictiliuma cobweb spider
Theridion differensa cobweb spider
Theridion murariuma cobweb spider
Theridula opulentaa cobweb spider
Tidarren sisyphoidesa cobweb spider
Yunohamella lyricaa cobweb spider
Argyrodes plutoa dewdrop spider
Thymoites marxia cobweb spider
Crab SpidersTHOMISIDAEMecaphesa asperataNorthern crab spider
Mecaphesa celerSwift crab spider
Misumena vatiagoldenrod crab spider
Synema parvuluma crab spider
Tmarus angulatusa crab spider
Xysticus feroxa ground crab spider
Mecaphesa sp. 1a crab spider
No Colloquial NameTRACHELIDAETrachelas unidentified speciescuspuled spiders
Cribellate Orb WeaversULOBORIDAEHyptiotes cavatusTriangle web spider
Uloborus glomosusfeatherlegged orbweaver
No Colloquial NameVAEJOVIDAEVaejovis carolinianusSouthern Unstriped Scorpion