Arachnids of North Carolina
    2 records for Dolomedes unidentified species
db idchecklist numbernrid idregioncountycounty splitsitesub sitedatecollectornumbermethodhabitatlatlonreferencevetting levelimmatureadultphotographspecimenvouchercommentsparkdate cvetted byobsTypeemail
7706573.000PiedmontFranklinMargaret Twp.Strange Rd.2023-09-19Kim STONE1DSDBPSW35.0878-78.22822FALSETRUEFALSEFALSEFALSEFemale with egg sac2023-09-20 18:32:50Zepp001_Photo
8120573.000Coastal PlainPittWildwood Park, 3450 Blue Heron Drive off Old Pactolus Road and ALT US 264 in Greenville. Sweep net in grassy, weedy area, southeast side of road, across from covered shelters.2024-03-04Mark Basinger4DSDCPGA2FALSETRUEThough they appear similar, the 2 photos are of 2 different spiders. 2024-03-04 21:23:29Zepp001_Photo