Hoppers of North Carolina:
Spittlebugs, Leafhoppers, Treehoppers, and Planthoppers
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4 records for Sibovia occatoria Warren County

View all species for Warren County
Sibovia occatoriaYellow-striped Leafhopper105932013-10-15Paul Scharf 1Caught sweeping. IAW Bugguide , there's only one species in the USA with considerable color variationLake Gaston1205 PM01_Photo
Caught sweeping

Caught sweeping. IAW Bugguide , there's only one species in the USA with considerable color variation
Sibovia occatoriaYellow-striped Leafhopper105932012-06-14 Paul ScharfseveralSweeping in tall grassLake Gaston0830 AM01_Photo
Sweeping in tall grass
Sibovia occatoriaYellow-striped Leafhopper105932012-05-18Paul Scharf1Caught sweepingLake Gaston0805 AM01_Photo
Caught sweeping
Sibovia occatoriaYellow-striped Leafhopper105932011-06-30 Paul Scharf1Attracted to Black LightLake Gaston2130 PM01_Photo
Attracted to Black Light