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4 records for Draeculacephala antica Rockingham County

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Draeculacephala antica130802015-09-09Kyle Kittelberger, Paul Scharf, Brian Bockhahnxattracted at night with a light; at least 1 blue individual as well; A. Hamilton "These sky-blue specimens (when live) are very pretty and very, very rare – I have taken only 2, both together at one site in VT. They lose the intensity when dead. The European Cicadella viridis is a distant relative, and it is more frequently blue."Mayo River SPMARInight01_Photo
attracted at night with a light; at least 1 blue individual as well; A. Hamilton \"These sky-blue specimens (when live) are very pretty and very, very rare – I have taken only 2, both together at one site in VT. They lose the intensity when dead. The European Cicadella viridis is a distant relative, and it is more frequently blue.\"

attracted at night with a light; at least 1 blue individual as well; A. Hamilton "These sky-blue specimens (when live) are very pretty and very, very rare – I have taken only 2, both together at one site in VT. They lose the intensity when dead. The European Cicadella viridis is a distant relative, and it is more frequently blue."

attracted at night with a light; at least 1 blue individual as well; A. Hamilton "These sky-blue specimens (when live) are very pretty and very, very rare – I have taken only 2, both together at one site in VT. They lose the intensity when dead. The European Cicadella viridis is a distant relative, and it is more frequently blue."

attracted at night with a light; at least 1 blue individual as well; A. Hamilton "These sky-blue specimens (when live) are very pretty and very, very rare – I have taken only 2, both together at one site in VT. They lose the intensity when dead. The European Cicadella viridis is a distant relative, and it is more frequently blue."
Draeculacephala antica130802015-09-09Kyle Kittelberger, Paul Scharf, Brian Bockhahn3attracted at night with a lightMayo River SPMARInight02_Sight
Draeculacephala antica130802015-09-09Kyle Kittelberger, Paul Scharf, Brian Bockhahn4attracted at night with a lightMayo River SPMARInight01_Photo
attracted at night with a light

attracted at night with a light

attracted at night with a light
Draeculacephala antica130802011-07-12Kyle Kittelberger, Brian Bockhahn1perching on a leaf in open forest/pond edgeMayo River State ParkMARIseen during the day?01_Photo
perching on a leaf in open forest/pond edge