Hoppers of North Carolina:
Spittlebugs, Leafhoppers, Treehoppers, and Planthoppers
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5 records for Agallia constricta Rockingham County

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Agallia constrictaConstricted Leafhopper143272017-09-13Kyle Kittelberger, Brian Bockhahn2Mayo River SPMARInight, attracted with a light02_Sight
Agallia constrictaConstricted Leafhopper143272015-09-09Kyle Kittelberger, Paul Scharf, Brian Bockhahnxcaught while sweepnettingMayo River SPMARIday02_Sight
Agallia constrictaConstricted Leafhopper143272015-09-09Kyle Kittelberger, Paul Scharf, Brian Bockhahnxattracted at night with a lightMayo River SPMARInight02_Sight
Agallia constrictaConstricted Leafhopper143272014-09-11Kyle Kittelberger, Brian Bockhahnxgrassy area near mixed hardwood forest and a pondMayo River SPMARIfound at night, attracted with a light02_Sight
Agallia constrictaConstricted Leafhopper143272014-07-23Paul Scharf, B Bockhahn1Attracted to UV LightHaw River State ParkHARI02_Sight