Hoppers of North Carolina:
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5 records for Agallia deleta Mecklenburg County

View all species for Mecklenburg County
Agallia deleta143282023-08-24 1AdultHuntersvilleday04_iNaturalist
Agallia deleta143282023-07-02 Ken Kneidel1Adult2.9 mm, sweep of athletic field turfRandolph Middle School, Charlotte01_Photo
2.9 mm, sweep of athletic field turf
Agallia deleta143282020-07-27Ken Kneidel1Adult2.8 mm female, came to incandescent porch light at night424 Bertonley Ave, Charlotte01_Photo
2.8 mm female, came to incandescent porch light at night

2.8 mm female, came to incandescent porch light at night

2.8 mm female, came to incandescent porch light at night
Agallia deleta143282020-07-11 1AdultHuntersvilleday04_iNaturalist
Agallia deleta143282019-07-01Rob Van Epps1AdultCaught sweeping in a grassy field. Fisher Farm Park01_Photo
Caught sweeping in a grassy field.