Hoppers of North Carolina:
Spittlebugs, Leafhoppers, Treehoppers, and Planthoppers
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8 records for Chionomus puellus Mecklenburg County

View all species for Mecklenburg County
Chionomus puellus144372023-08-22 1Adult?day04_iNaturalist
Chionomus puellus144372023-07-31 Rob Van EppsseveralAdultCaught sweeping along grassy edge of a pond. Antiquity Greenway01_Photo
Caught sweeping along grassy edge of a pond.
Chionomus puellus144372023-06-20 Ken Kneidel1Adult3 mm, came to UV light at night in an athletic field424 Bertonley Ave, Charlotte01_Photo
3 mm, came to UV light at night in an athletic field
Chionomus puellus144372022-11-07 1AdultDavidsonday04_iNaturalist
Chionomus puellus144372020-07-12Ken Kneidel1Adult2.7 mmRandolph Middle School, Charlotte01_Photo
2.7 mm

2.7 mm
Chionomus puellus144372019-10-29Ken Kneidel3Adultcame to UV light in wooded residential neighborhood along with full-length individuals424 Bertonley Ave, Charlotteapprox 9:00 pm01_Photo
came to UV light in wooded residential neighborhood along with full-length individuals
Chionomus puellus144372019-08-08Rob Van Epps1Came to UV light. Yard near woods.Rollingdale Lane back yard - Davidson, NCNight.01_Photo
Came to UV light. Yard near woods.

Came to UV light. Yard near woods.
Chionomus puellus144372018-09-30Ken Kneidel1Adult3 mm424 Bertonley Avenue, Charlotteblack light / incandescent light at night01_Photo
3 mm

3 mm