Hoppers of North Carolina:
Spittlebugs, Leafhoppers, Treehoppers, and Planthoppers
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8 records for Chionomus puellus Warren County

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Chionomus puellus144372015-05-12Paul Scharf, B Bockhahn, L. Amos1Attracted to UV LightKerr Lake State Park ( County Line SP )KELA2100-2355 PM02_Sight
Chionomus puellus144372014-09-17Kyle Kittelberger, Brian Bockhahn, Paul Scharf1open grassy area within mixed hardwood forest habitatCounty Line ParkKELAfound at night, attracted with a light02_Sight
Chionomus puellus144372014-09-09Paul Scharf 1Attracted to LightLake Gaston0700 AM01_Photo
Attracted to Light
Chionomus puellus144372013-10-29Paul Scharf 1Caught Sweeping, Short Winged FormLake Gaston1300 PM01_Photo
Caught Sweeping, Short Winged Form
Chionomus puellus144372013-10-15Paul Scharf 1Caught Sweeping . Darker Form. IAW Bugguide The dark wing spot is distinctive.Lake Gaston1505 PM01_Photo
Caught Sweeping . Darker Form. IAW Bugguide The dark wing spot is distinctive.
Chionomus puellus144372013-09-13Paul Scharf1Caught SweepingLake Gaston1158 AM01_Photo
Caught Sweeping

Caught Sweeping
Chionomus puellus144372013-08-31Kyle Kittelberger, Brian Bockhahn, Paul Scharfxgrassy/brushy habitat on the side of the roadHubquarter, near Lake Gastonfound during the day, caught while sweepnetting02_Sight
Chionomus puellus144372013-08-05Paul Scharf 1Caught SweepingLake Gaston1005 AM01_Photo
Caught Sweeping