Hoppers of North Carolina:
Spittlebugs, Leafhoppers, Treehoppers, and Planthoppers
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3 records for Macrosteles quadrilineatus Mecklenburg County

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Macrosteles quadrilineatusAster Leafhopper147502023-07-11 Ken Kneidel1Adultcame to UV light at night set up over athletic field turfRandolph Middle School, Charlotte01_Photo
came to UV light at night set up over athletic field turf
Macrosteles quadrilineatusAster Leafhopper147502022-09-08 Ken Kneidel1Adult3.8 mm female came to UV/CFL light combo at night424 Bertonley Ave, Charlottenight01_Photo
3.8 mm female came to UV/CFL light combo at night
Macrosteles quadrilineatusAster Leafhopper147502018-08-26Ken Kneidelthousandsmale, 3.5 mm Walking along the muddy edge of a large pond I flushed a dense flurry over the course of 20 meters, one half-hearted sweep yielded 31.Selwyn Elementary School, Charlotteroughly 11 am01_Photo
male, 3.5 mm Walking along the muddy edge of a large pond I flushed a dense flurry over the course of 20 meters, one half-hearted sweep yielded 31.

male, 3.5 mm Walking along the muddy edge of a large pond I flushed a dense flurry over the course of 20 meters, one half-hearted sweep yielded 31.

male, 3.5 mm Walking along the muddy edge of a large pond I flushed a dense flurry over the course of 20 meters, one half-hearted sweep yielded 31.

male, 3.5 mm Walking along the muddy edge of a large pond I flushed a dense flurry over the course of 20 meters, one half-hearted sweep yielded 31.

male, 3.5 mm Walking along the muddy edge of a large pond I flushed a dense flurry over the course of 20 meters, one half-hearted sweep yielded 31.

male, 3.5 mm Walking along the muddy edge of a large pond I flushed a dense flurry over the course of 20 meters, one half-hearted sweep yielded 31.