Hoppers of North Carolina:
Spittlebugs, Leafhoppers, Treehoppers, and Planthoppers
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4 records for Osbornellus unidentified species Wake County

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Osbornellus unidentified species148162021-07-19aubrey wigginsAdultNorman Place, Raleigh, NC2329 hrs01_Photo
Came to Mercury Vapor Lamp - unid_leafhopper

Came to Mercury Vapor Lamp - unid_leafhopper
Osbornellus unidentified species148162014-06-11Kyle Kittelberger1mixed hardwood forest habitat; 5mm long, head width is smaller than the distance between the eyes, a 2:3 rationear Falls LakeFALAfound at night, attracted with a black light01_Photo
mixed hardwood forest habitat; 5mm long

mixed hardwood forest habitat; 5mm long

mixed hardwood forest habitat; 5mm long
Osbornellus unidentified species148162013-07-29Kyle Kittelberger1mixed hardwood forest habitatnear Falls LakeFALAfound at night, attracted with a blacklight01_Photo
mixed hardwood forest habitat; determined to be this species as the head width is smaller than the distance between the eyes, a 2:3 ratio

mixed hardwood forest habitat; determined to be this species as the head width is smaller than the distance between the eyes, a 2:3 ratio
Osbornellus unidentified species148162011-07-07Kyle Kittelberger1Mixed hardwood forest habitatnear Falls LakeFALAfound at night, attracted with a black light01_Photo
matches O. limosus pics on bugguide pretty well, though O. auronitens is supposed to be similar; this also matches very well my other Osbornellus limosus pictures. Mixed hardwood forest habitat