Hoppers of North Carolina:
Spittlebugs, Leafhoppers, Treehoppers, and Planthoppers
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1 record for Pendarus stipatus Scotland County

View all species for Scotland County
Pendarus stipatus162782021-06-07Bo Sullivan1Adultmale, 5.2 mm; distinctive pygofer with three spines keys to stipatus rather than punctiscriptusSandhills, Annual Burn01_Photo
male, 5.2 mm; distinctive pygofer with three spines keys to stipatus rather than punctiscriptus

male, 5.2 mm; distinctive pygofer with three spines keys to stipatus rather than punctiscriptus

male, 5.2 mm; distinctive pygofer with three spines keys to stipatus rather than punctiscriptus

male, 5.2 mm; distinctive pygofer with three spines keys to stipatus rather than punctiscriptus

male, 5.2 mm; distinctive pygofer with three spines keys to stipatus rather than punctiscriptus

male, 5.2 mm; distinctive pygofer with three spines keys to stipatus rather than punctiscriptus

male, 5.2 mm; distinctive pygofer with three spines keys to stipatus rather than punctiscriptus