Hoppers of North Carolina:
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3 records for Ribautiana unidentified species Montgomery County

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Ribautiana unidentified species165422023-10-26 1AdultTroynighthop-hornbeam?04_iNaturalist
Ribautiana unidentified species165422023-10-26Scott Bolick1Adultthere are 2 species in this genus that feed on hop-hornbeam in the East: R. parapiscator and R. multispinosa.UwharriesNightBelieved to be Hop-Hornbeam01_Photo

Ribautiana unidentified species165422022-05-13Scott Bolick3AdultThis is either R. parapiscator or R. multispinosa, both of which feed on hornhopbeam; they can only be separated through dissection.UwharriesNightAmerican Hornhopbeam 01_Photo