Freshwater Fishes of North Carolina
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87 records are shown. [SciName like 'Cottus bairdii', county='Ashe']
S rankG rankcomNamesciNamecountylocalitynumbercollector
S5G5Mottled SculpinCottus bairdiiAsheCranberry creek (mulberry creek), (tributary of south fork of new river), at route 88 crossing, 2 miles west of laurel springs4R.D. Ross, R.D. Ross, K. Dickson & F. Benfield
S5G5Mottled SculpinCottus bairdiiAsheCranberry creek (mulberry creek), (tributary of south fork of new river), at route 88 crossing, 2 miles west of laurel springs10R.D. Ross, R.D. Ross, K. Dickson & F. Benfield
S5G5Mottled SculpinCottus bairdiiAsheGap creek on route 221 at fleetwood ca. 3.4 miles northeast watauga-ashe county line20R.D. Ross, K. Dickson, R.D. Ross & F. Benfield
S5G5Mottled SculpinCottus bairdiiAsheNew River - Ohio River - Mississippi River, North Fork New River and tributary, upstream of West Peak Road, 1 mile NNE of Sutherland26D.C. Werneke, M Holcomb
S5G5Mottled SculpinCottus bairdiiAsheSouth Fork New R. at Index (Rt. 16 crossing)3Ernest Lachner; Edward Raney; James Kezer
S5G5Mottled SculpinCottus bairdiiAsheSouth Fork New R., 1 mi. SW of Fleetwood13Ernest Lachner; Edward Raney; James Kezer
S5G5Mottled SculpinCottus bairdiiAsheBig Horse Cr, SR 135043
S5G5Mottled SculpinCottus bairdiiAsheBig Horse Cr, SR 135018
S5G5Mottled SculpinCottus bairdiiAsheBig Laurel Cr, NC 881
S5G5Mottled SculpinCottus bairdiiAsheBuffalo Cr, NC 88/194193
S5G5Mottled SculpinCottus bairdiiAsheBuffalo Cr, NC 88/194264
S5G5Mottled SculpinCottus bairdiiAsheCouches Cr, off SR 111126
S5G5Mottled SculpinCottus bairdiiAsheCranberry Cr, SR 1600117
S5G5Mottled SculpinCottus bairdiiAsheCranberry Cr, SR 1600289
S5G5Mottled SculpinCottus bairdiiAsheCranberry Cr, SR 160031
S5G5Mottled SculpinCottus bairdiiAsheGrassy Cr, SR 154942
S5G5Mottled SculpinCottus bairdiiAsheGrassy Cr, SR 154932
S5G5Mottled SculpinCottus bairdiiAsheHelton Cr, SR 15364
S5G5Mottled SculpinCottus bairdiiAsheHelton Cr, SR 153626
S5G5Mottled SculpinCottus bairdiiAsheHelton Cr, SR 153642
S5G5Mottled SculpinCottus bairdiiAsheN Fk New R, SR 1119100
S5G5Mottled SculpinCottus bairdiiAsheN Fk New R, SR 1119264
S5G5Mottled SculpinCottus bairdiiAsheN Fk New R, SR 111990
S5G5Mottled SculpinCottus bairdiiAsheNaked Cr, NC 16/8846
S5G5Mottled SculpinCottus bairdiiAsheNaked Cr, off SR 158914
S5G5Mottled SculpinCottus bairdiiAsheObids Cr, SR 1192364
S5G5Mottled SculpinCottus bairdiiAsheObids Cr, SR 1192218
S5G5Mottled SculpinCottus bairdiiAshePine Swamp Cr, off SR 117969
S5G5Mottled SculpinCottus bairdiiAshePine Swamp Cr, off SR 117983
S5G5Mottled SculpinCottus bairdiiAshePine Swamp Cr, off SR 117981
S5G5Mottled SculpinCottus bairdiiAsheRoan Cr, SR 1588678
S5G5Mottled SculpinCottus bairdiiAsheRoan Cr, SR 1588212
S5G5Mottled SculpinCottus bairdiiAsheThree Top Cr, SR 1123122
S5G5Mottled SculpinCottus bairdiiAsheThree Top Cr, SR 112370
S5G5Mottled SculpinCottus bairdiiAsheUT N Fk New R, off SR 168945
S5G5Mottled SculpinCottus bairdiiAsheUT S Fk New R, SR 118131
S5G5Mottled SculpinCottus bairdiiAsheSouth Fork of New River at County Road 1179, 6.5 air mi. SSE of West Jefferson.1Beckham & Beckham
S5G5Mottled SculpinCottus bairdiiAsheSouth Fork of New River at jct. NC Hwys. 16 & 88, about 5 mi. E of Jefferson.1Beckham & Beckham
S5G5Mottled SculpinCottus bairdiiAsheS Fork, New River at Index (Rte. 16 crossing)1EC Raney & EA Lachner
S5G5Mottled SculpinCottus bairdiiAsheS Fork, New River, 1 mi SW of Fleetwood2EC Raney & EA Lachner
S5G5Mottled SculpinCottus bairdiiAsheMulberry Creek (= Cranberry Creek), W. of Ashe-Alleghany Co. Line On Hwy 221 Just Off Hwy Before Reaching S. FK. New R5Wiley, Martin L. Smith-Vaniz, William F.
S5G5Mottled SculpinCottus bairdiiAsheSouth Fork New R., Parallel To NC 88 Just E. of Index7Goodyear, R. H.
S5G5Mottled SculpinCottus bairdiiAsheSouth Fork New R. from jct. NC 163/co rd 1181 upstream to first bridge1UTRFC
S5G5Mottled SculpinCottus bairdiiAsheGap Creek, off US 221, near Ashe-Watauga county line, [ca. 10.0 air miles NE center Boone]4NCWRC
S5G5Mottled SculpinCottus bairdiiAsheWest Prong Old Field Creek [?=Call Creek], SR 1112 [E Mill Creek Road] crossing, [ca. 10.7 air miles NE center Boone]6NCWRC
S5G5Mottled SculpinCottus bairdiiAsheObids Creek at NC 163 bridge, [ca. 8.8 air miles SE center Jefferson]1NCWRC
S5G5Mottled SculpinCottus bairdiiAsheLaurel Fork, at SR 1613 [Tony Miller Road] bridge, [ca. 11.3 air miles SW center Sparta]6NCWRC
S5G5Mottled SculpinCottus bairdiiAshePine Swamp, at SR 1003 [Idlewild Road] bridge, [ca. 13.6 air miles ENE center Boone]8NCWRC
S5G5Mottled SculpinCottus bairdiiAsheCranberry Creek, SR 1600 [Carl Atwood Road] bridge, [ca. 11.7 air miles WSW center Sparta]1NCWRC
S5G5Mottled SculpinCottus bairdiiAsheBig Laurel Creek, 0.8 miles from confluence with North Fork New River, [ca. 8.2 air miles WNW center Jefferson]1NCWRC
S5G5Mottled SculpinCottus bairdiiAsheHoskins Fork [=North Fork New River], SR 1118 [Sutherland Road] near SR 1121 [Peak Road], [ca. 11.7 air miles N center Boone], [see remarks]3NCWRC
S5G5Mottled SculpinCottus bairdiiAsheBear Creek, off SR 1628 [Bare Creek Road], 0.5 miles from South Fork [New River], [ca. 19.5 air miles NE center Boone]3NCWRC
S5G5Mottled SculpinCottus bairdiiAsheNorth Fork New River, 100 yards above junction NC 88 and SR 1118 [Sutherland Road], [ca. 12.2 air miles N center Boone]1NCWRC
S5G5Mottled SculpinCottus bairdiiAsheRoan Creek, SR 1588 [Bill Bledsoe Road] crossing, [ca. 17.0 air miles WSW center Sparta]8NCWRC
S5G5Mottled SculpinCottus bairdiiAsheBuffalo Creek (West Fork), off SR 1125 [W Buffalo Road], W of Treetop, [ca. 15.0 air miles NNE center Boone]7NCWRC
S5G5Mottled SculpinCottus bairdiiAsheSouth Fork New River, County Road 1602 bridge, 7.0 air miles ENE center Jefferson1DS Lee
S5G5Mottled SculpinCottus bairdiiAsheBuffalo Creek just above junction SR 1125-1133 [Bolin Road, Roten Road], 2.5 air miles WNW West Jefferson10J Mickey and Dave L. Penrose
S5G5Mottled SculpinCottus bairdiiAsheOld Field Creek at junction SR 1272 [Lake View Drive], ca. 1.5 air miles NNW Fleetwood74AM Wicker, P Low and G Price (DEM)
S5G5Mottled SculpinCottus bairdiiAsheCall Creek, at junction NC 194, [ca.] 1.0 mile SW Baldwin12AM Wicker, P Low and G Price (DWQ)
S5G5Mottled SculpinCottus bairdiiAshePeak Creek, off SR 1599 [Big Peak Road], 8.5 air miles E center Jefferson4Mike Wicker, J. Overton, Beth McGee
S5G5Mottled SculpinCottus bairdiiAshePeak Creek, off SR 1599 [Big Peak Road], 8.5 air miles E center Jefferson9Mike Wicker, J Overton and B McGee
S5G5Mottled SculpinCottus bairdiiAsheUnnamed tributary to Long Hope Creek on west side SR 1100 [Three Top Road], 4.05 miles [NNW] Rt. 194, at Todd10Rudolf G. Arndt, et al.
S5G5Mottled SculpinCottus bairdiiAsheNaked Creek at NC 16-88, [ca. 2.0 air miles ESE Jefferson]16Bryn H. Tracy, Lawrence E. Eaton, Neil Medlin, et al.
S5G5Mottled SculpinCottus bairdiiAsheNorth Fork New River, SR 1119 [W Peak Road], [ca. 16.8 kilometers W center West Jefferson]37Bryn H. Tracy, Nancy Guthrie, Kathy Herring, Neil Medlin
S5G5Mottled SculpinCottus bairdiiAsheCranberry Creek, SR 1600 [Carl Atwood Road], [ca. 14.2 kilometers ENE center Jefferson]8Bryn H. Tracy, Jeff T. DeBerardinis, S. Michelle Simonson, Sam Whittaker
S5G5Mottled SculpinCottus bairdiiAsheGrassy Creek at SR 1549 [Garvey Bridge Road], [ca. 13.4 air miles WNW center Sparta]6Bryn H. Tracy, Jeff T. DeBerardinis, S. Michelle Simonson, Sam Whittaker
S5G5Mottled SculpinCottus bairdiiAsheNaked Creek, off SR 1589 [Joe Little Road], [ca. 6.0 kilometers ESE center Jefferson]3Bryn H. Tracy, Jeff T. DeBerardinis, S. Michelle Simonson, Sam Whittaker
S5G5Mottled SculpinCottus bairdiiAsheObids Creek, SR 1192 [Gucker Road], [ca. 10.4 kilometers SE center Jefferson]8Bryn H. Tracy, Jeff T. DeBerardinis, S. Michelle Simonson, Sam Whittaker
S5G5Mottled SculpinCottus bairdiiAsheRoan Creek at SR 1588 [Bill Bledsoe Road], [ca. 4.1 air miles ESE center Jefferson]18Bryn H. Tracy, Jeff T. DeBerardinis, S. Michelle Simonson, Nate Beasley
S5G5Mottled SculpinCottus bairdiiAsheBuffalo Creek, NC 88/194, [ca. 3.7 kilometers WNW center Jefferson]5Bryn H. Tracy, Jeff T. DeBerardinis, S. Michelle Simonson, Nate Beasley
S5G5Mottled SculpinCottus bairdiiAsheThree Top Creek off of SR 1123 [Eller Road], [ca. 8.3 air miles W center Jefferson]3Bryn H. Tracy, Jeff T. DeBerardinis, S. Michelle Simonson, Nate Beasley
S5G5Mottled SculpinCottus bairdiiAsheBeaver Creek, SR 1147 [Nettle Knob Road] bridge, [ca. 16.1 air miles NE center Boone]2NCWRC
S5G5Mottled SculpinCottus bairdiiAsheSouth Fork New River at SR 1181 [Hartzog Ford Road], [ca. 7.7 air miles SSE center Jefferson]3Bryn H. Tracy
S5G5Mottled SculpinCottus bairdiiAsheNorth Fork New River at NC 16, [ca. 7.7 air miles NNE center Jefferson]2Bryn H. Tracy
S5G5Mottled SculpinCottus bairdiiAsheNorth Fork New River at SR 1573 (old NC 16), [ca. 7.4 air miles NE center Jefferson]5Bryn H. Tracy
S5G5Mottled SculpinCottus bairdiiAsheUnnamed tributary to North Fork New River off [SR 1100, Three Top Road], [ca. 8.2 air miles W center Jefferson], [see remarks]1Bryn H. Tracy, Jeff T. DeBerardinis
S5G5Mottled SculpinCottus bairdiiAsheHelton Creek at SR 1536 [Big Helton Road], [ca. 8.4 air miles NNE center Jefferson]8Bryn H. Tracy, Jeff T. DeBerardinis, S. Michelle Simonson, Eric Fleek, Mike Walters
S5G5Mottled SculpinCottus bairdiiAsheNorth Fork New River at Old NC 16 (SR 1573), [ca. 9.0 air miles NE center West Jefferson]17Bryn H. Tracy, DJ Coughlan
S5G5Mottled SculpinCottus bairdiiAsheSouth Fork New River, [off of] NC 16/88, at Index, [ca. 4.1 air miles ESE center Jefferson]1Steve J. Fraley, WT Russ, DW Huffstetler
S5G5Mottled SculpinCottus bairdiiAsheSouth Fork New River, [off of] Castleford Road (SR 1351), [ca. 11.2 air miles SSW center Jefferson]1Steve J. Fraley, WT Russ, DW Huffstetler
S5G5Mottled SculpinCottus bairdiiAsheSouth Fork New River, at NC 163, [ca. 8.1 air miles SSE center Jefferson]1Steve J. Fraley, WT Russ, DW Huffstetler
S5G5Mottled SculpinCottus bairdiiAsheBuffalo Creek, at NC 88/194, [ca. 2.3 air miles WNW center of Jefferson]5Bryn H. Tracy, Dee Dee Black, Michael Shepherd, J Carter, Mike Mickey
S5G5Mottled SculpinCottus bairdiiAsheRoan Creek, at SR 1588 [Bill Bledsoe Road], [ca. 4.1 air miles ESE center of Jefferson]5Bryn H. Tracy, Dee Dee Black, Michael Shepherd, J Carter, Mike Mickey
S5G5Mottled SculpinCottus bairdiiAsheNorth Fork New River, 0.8 miles [NNE] of Creston, [ca. 13.2 kilometers WNW center Jefferson]2Joseph R. Bailey, LP Wilkins, JR Charles
S5G5Mottled SculpinCottus bairdiiAsheSouth Fork New River, [at] mouth of Roan Creek, [ca. 6.3] kilometers E Jefferson1Joseph R. Bailey, J.R. Charles, L.P. Wilkins
S5G5Mottled SculpinCottus bairdiiAsheSmall brook at mouth, [above confluence with] South Fork New River, [at] junction SR 1549 [Garvey Bridge Road] and SR 1560 [Howard Colvard Road], 5.6 kilometers [NNW] Scottville, [ca. 16.9 kilometers NE center Jefferson]4Joseph R. Bailey, DM Davis and S226 class
S5G5Mottled SculpinCottus bairdiiAsheSouth Fork New River, at Ashe-Watauga county line, [ca. 7.3 air miles NE center Boone], [see georeference remarks]2Engels and crew