Freshwater Fishes of North Carolina
Freshwater Fishes of North Carolina - Search
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11 records are shown. [SciName like 'Etheostoma serrifer', county='Nash']
S rankG rankcomNamesciNamecountylocalitynumbercollector
S5G5Sawcheek DarterEtheostoma serriferNashSwift Creek, 3 mi SW Whitakers, U.S. Rt. 301 bridge18M.H. Sabaj, G.B. Mottesi, J.W. Armbruster, T.J. Near & J.M. Serb
S5G5Sawcheek DarterEtheostoma serriferNashToisnot Swp, SR 19451
S5G5Sawcheek DarterEtheostoma serriferNash[Big] Peachtree Creek at SR 1321 [Lancaster Store Road], 3.2 air miles SW Castalia, [ca. 18.7 air miles WNW center Rocky Mount]3EK Rawls
S5G5Sawcheek DarterEtheostoma serriferNashLittle Peachtree Creek at SR 1312 [?=SR 1321/Lancaster Store Road], 3.8 air miles N Spring Hope, [ca. 19.0 air miles WNW center Rocky Mount] [see remarks]4EK Rawls
S5G5Sawcheek DarterEtheostoma serriferNashStoney Creek at SSR 1300 [Boddie Mill Pond Road], 4.6 air miles WNW center Nashville3RW Mays
S5G5Sawcheek DarterEtheostoma serriferNashBack Swamp, at SR 1310 [Edwards Road], 2.75 air miles S Castalia, [ca. 16.6 air miles WNW center Rocky Mount]9EK Rawls
S5G5Sawcheek DarterEtheostoma serriferNashToisnot Swamp, at SR 1945 [Old Smithfield Road], 5.4 air miles NE Bailey, [ca. 9.1 air miles NW center Wilson]1Vince P. Schneider, J Fisher, P Low, G Price
S5G5Sawcheek DarterEtheostoma serriferNashToisnot Swamp, NC 97 [?=SR 1945/Old Smithfield Road] bridge, [ca. 2.8 air] miles [SSW] of Stricklands Crossroads, [ca. 9.1 air miles NW center Wilson], [see remarks]12NCWRC
S5G5Sawcheek DarterEtheostoma serriferNashSapony Creek on NC 58, [4.7] kilometers [SSE] Nashville, [ca. 13.8 kilometerts W center Rocky Mount]2Joseph R. Bailey, EC Horn
S5G5Sawcheek DarterEtheostoma serriferNashLittle Sapony Creek, on US 64, [ca. 5.3] kilometers W Nashville4Joseph R. Bailey, E.C. Horn
S5G5Sawcheek DarterEtheostoma serriferNashNash; Sapony Creek at Batchelor Road, 5 km SSE of Nashville1D.A. Neely, S.L. Powers