Freshwater Fishes of North Carolina
Freshwater Fishes of North Carolina - Search
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33 records are shown. [SciName like 'Luxilus albeolus', county='Moore']
S rankG rankcomNamesciNamecountylocalitynumbercollector
S5G5White ShinerLuxilus albeolusMooreRichland Cr, SR 164020
S5G5White ShinerLuxilus albeolusMooreBear Cr, NC 7051
S5G5White ShinerLuxilus albeolusMooreRichland Cr, SR 164015
S5G5White ShinerLuxilus albeolusMooreFalls Cr, SR 1606194
S5G5White ShinerLuxilus albeolusMooreMcLendons Cr, SR 121018
S5G5White ShinerLuxilus albeolusMooreBuffalo Cr, NC 2238
S5G5White ShinerLuxilus albeolusMooreMcLendons Cr, SR 121031
S5G5White ShinerLuxilus albeolusMooreBear Cr, SR 14051
S5G5White ShinerLuxilus albeolusMooreFalls Cr, SR 160626
S5G5White ShinerLuxilus albeolusMooreBuffalo Cr, NC 2237
S5G5White ShinerLuxilus albeolusMooreFalls Cr, SR 160633
S5G5White ShinerLuxilus albeolusMooreMcLendons Cr, SR 100634
S5G5White ShinerLuxilus albeolusMooreMcLendons Cr, SR 12107
S5G5White ShinerLuxilus albeolusMooreBear Cr, SR 14058
S5G5White ShinerLuxilus albeolusMooreMcLendons Creek, at SR 1006 [Glendon Carthage Road], [ca. 8.0 air miles N center of Carthage]24Bryn H. Tracy, Jeff T. DeBerardinis, Michael Shepherd, Dee Dee Black
S5G5White ShinerLuxilus albeolusMooreMcLendons Creek at SR 1210 [Mount Carmel Road], [ca. 7.4 air miles WSW Carthage]17Bryn H. Tracy, Mark Hale, Dave Lenat, Neil Medlin
S5G5White ShinerLuxilus albeolusMooreFalls Creek at SR 1606 [River Road], [ca. 5.3 air miles NE center Robbins]191Bryn H. Tracy, Mark Hale, Dave Lenat, Neil Medlin
S5G5White ShinerLuxilus albeolusMooreFalls Creek at SR 1606 [River Road], [ca. 18.9 air miles W center Sanford]20Bryn H. Tracy, William Crouch, S. Michelle Simonson, Mike Walters
S5G5White ShinerLuxilus albeolusMooreDeep River at NC 22 (High Falls), 4.8 air miles NE Robbins12Wayne C. Starnes, Robert E. Jenkins and Gerald B. Pottern
S5G5White ShinerLuxilus albeolusMooreDeep River at NC 22 (High Falls), 4.8 air miles NE Robbins6Wayne C. Starnes, Gabriela M. Hogue, T. Lynn Fullbright, Morgan E. Raley, M Clements
S5G5White ShinerLuxilus albeolusMooreDeep River at NC 22 (High Falls), 4.8 air miles NE Robbins1Wayne C. Starnes, Morgan E. Raley, T. Lynn Fullbright, Richard T. Bryant, HF Nonnenmacher
S5G5White ShinerLuxilus albeolusMooreBuffalo Creek at NC 22, [ca. 18.9 air miles W center Sanford]5Bryn H. Tracy, S. Michelle Simonson, Victor Holland, Mike Walters
S5G5White ShinerLuxilus albeolusMooreFalls Creek, at SR 1606 [River Road], [ca. 18.9 air miles W center Sanford]11Bryn H. Tracy, Jeff T. DeBerardinis, Eric Fleek, Victor Holland
S5G5White ShinerLuxilus albeolusMooreRichland Creek at SR 1640 [Kelly Plantation Road], 6.1 air miles NNW center Carthage20Vince P. Schneider, K Cross, J Fisher, Cathy Tyndall
S5G5White ShinerLuxilus albeolusMooreBear Creek at NC 705, 0.4 air miles NW center Robbins1Vince P. Schneider, K Cross, Cathy Tyndall, J Fisher
S5G5White ShinerLuxilus albeolusMooreMcLendons Creek at SR 1628 [Cool Springs Road], 2.25 air miles SSW Glendon8G Pottern, Alvin L. Braswell and R Biggins
S5G5White ShinerLuxilus albeolusMooreDeep River at SR 1006 [Glendon Carthage Road], 0.5 air miles [NNW] Glendon, [ca. 13.5 air miles W center Sanford]4G Pottern, Alvin L. Braswell and R Biggins
S5G5White ShinerLuxilus albeolusMooreBear Creek, at Dover Church Road [SR 1405], [ca. 6.5 kilometers WNW center of Robbins]58Bryn H. Tracy, M Vander Borg, J Mohn, T Allen, J Barber, H White
S5G5White ShinerLuxilus albeolusMooreRichland Creek at SR 1640 [Kelly Plantation Road], [ca. 8.2 air miles E of center of Robbins]15Bryn H. Tracy, Nancy Guthrie, Patricia MacPherson, Neil Medlin
S5G5White ShinerLuxilus albeolusMooreBuffalo Creek at NC 22, [ca. 18.9 air miles W center Sanford]32Bryn H. Tracy, Aaron Bunch, Mark Hale, Dave Lenat
S5G5White ShinerLuxilus albeolusMooreDeep River, 400 m reach just above Carbonton Dam and NC 42, 9.9 air miles W center of Sanford1TJ Kwak, Ryan J. Heise, J Brewster, JM Fisk, J Siceloff, B Horne, Robert E. Jenkins
S5G5White ShinerLuxilus albeolusMooreDeep River at and just above confluence of Buffalo Creek, ca. 1.1 river miles below (E of) NC 22 crossing, 5.4 air miles NE of Robbins21Wayne C. Starnes, TJ Kwak, Ryan J. Heise, S Van Horn, J Siceloff, B Horne, JR Brewster, JM Fisk, C Brown, Robert E. Jenkins
S5G5White ShinerLuxilus albeolusMooreDeep River, 324 m length shoal and pool area immediately above mouth of Buffalo Creek (N end of Hallison-Highfalls Lane off NC 22), ca. 5.8 air miles NE Robbins3Wayne C. Starnes, Bryn H. Tracy, TJ Kwak, Ryan J. Heise, NC Oakley, JR Meador, BG Kimbrell, BJ McRae, W Smith, J Barr, JM Fisk,