Freshwater Fishes of North Carolina
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62 records are shown. [SciName like 'Luxilus albeolus', county='Rockingham']
S rankG rankcomNamesciNamecountylocalitynumbercollector
S5G5White ShinerLuxilus albeolusRockinghamSmith R. at Leaksville-Spray (???)15Edward Raney; Robert Ross; Royal Suttkus
S5G5White ShinerLuxilus albeolusRockinghamTrib. of Dan River 1.7 mi. W of Leaksville on Rt. 77025Edward Raney; Royal Suttkus; Robert Ross
S5G5White ShinerLuxilus albeolusRockinghamTrib. to Haw R. on US 158, 13 mi. NE of jct. with US 220 on US 15810Bruce Collette; Rudolf Miller; John Ramsey
S5G5White ShinerLuxilus albeolusRockinghamMayo River, 6.5 mi NW Stoneville1Palmer, Hunt & Browne
S5G5White ShinerLuxilus albeolusRockinghamPawpaw Cr, SR 136010
S5G5White ShinerLuxilus albeolusRockinghamPawpaw Cr, SR 13608
S5G5White ShinerLuxilus albeolusRockinghamBig Beaver Island Cr, US 31119
S5G5White ShinerLuxilus albeolusRockinghamJacobs Cr, NC 7045
S5G5White ShinerLuxilus albeolusRockinghamMatrimony Cr, NC 77012
S5G5White ShinerLuxilus albeolusRockinghamRock House Cr, SR 21273
S5G5White ShinerLuxilus albeolusRockinghamWolf Island Cr, SR 17672
S5G5White ShinerLuxilus albeolusRockinghamJones Cr, SR 25713
S5G5White ShinerLuxilus albeolusRockinghamHogans Cr, NC 7048
S5G5White ShinerLuxilus albeolusRockinghamBig Beaver Island Cr, US 31110
S5G5White ShinerLuxilus albeolusRockinghamJacobs Cr, NC 70425
S5G5White ShinerLuxilus albeolusRockinghamRock House Cr, SR 212744
S5G5White ShinerLuxilus albeolusRockinghamWolf Island Cr, SR 176729
S5G5White ShinerLuxilus albeolusRockinghamBig Beaver Island Cr, US 31110
S5G5White ShinerLuxilus albeolusRockinghamHogans Cr, NC 7044
S5G5White ShinerLuxilus albeolusRockinghamJacobs Cr, NC 7043
S5G5White ShinerLuxilus albeolusRockinghamMatrimony Cr, NC 7701
S5G5White ShinerLuxilus albeolusRockinghamBuffalo Cr, NC 135 (US 311)6
S5G5White ShinerLuxilus albeolusRockinghamCascade Cr, NC 7701
S5G5White ShinerLuxilus albeolusRockinghamWolf Island Cr, SR 176725
S5G5White ShinerLuxilus albeolusRockinghamMayo River off County Road 1385 [Old Anglin Road], 6.5 miles NW Stoneville23William M. Palmer, JH Hunt and MM Browne
S5G5White ShinerLuxilus albeolusRockinghamPaw Paw Creek at SR 1360 [Smith Road], 4.0 air miles NW Stoneville11M Wicker, P Low, G Price, S Mitchell
S5G5White ShinerLuxilus albeolusRockinghamDan River, Rt. 704-220, 1.25 air miles SE center Madison1Vince P. Schneider, et al.
S5G5White ShinerLuxilus albeolusRockinghamWolf Island Creek, SR 1767 [Mayfield Road], [ca. 17.0 kilometers NE center Reidsville]11Bryn H. Tracy, Ron Boone, John Iverson, Matt Stillwell, Mike Turner
S5G5White ShinerLuxilus albeolusRockinghamDan River, upstream from SSR 1138, 2.0 air miles SW Madison1R Jones
S5G5White ShinerLuxilus albeolusRockinghamMayo River at SR 1358 (Anglin Mill Road), [ca. 12.9 air miles ENE center Eden]3CJ Wood, MA McCormick, CM Nunnery, Brena K. Jones, K Irvine
S5G5White ShinerLuxilus albeolusRockinghamMayo River at NC 770, [ca. 4.2 air miles NNE center Mayodan]162CJ Wood, MA McCormick, CM Nunnery, Brena K. Jones, K Irvine
S5G5White ShinerLuxilus albeolusRockinghamJones Creek at SR 2571 [Grooms Road], [ca. 6.4 air miles NE center Reidsville]3Bryn H. Tracy, Laura C. Gillespie, Miller Johnstone, Brad Lamphere, Allison L. Price
S5G5White ShinerLuxilus albeolusRockinghamMatrimony Creek, at end of SR 1536, at Leaksville, [ca. 11.8 air miles NW center Reidsville]14NCWRC
S5G5White ShinerLuxilus albeolusRockinghamMayo River, SR 1358 [Anglin Mill Road], W of Price, [ca. 22.0 air miles NW center Reidsville]6NCWRC
S5G5White ShinerLuxilus albeolusRockinghamMayo River, off SR 1339 [Mayo River Road], [NNE of] Mayodan, [ca. 17.0 air miles WNW center Reidsville]8NCWRC
S5G5White ShinerLuxilus albeolusRockinghamMayo River at Anglin Mill Road (SR 1358), 6.8 air miles NW Stoneville1Wayne C. Starnes, Morgan E. Raley, T. Lynn Fullbright, Richard T. Bryant, HF Nonnenmacher
S5G5White ShinerLuxilus albeolusRockinghamSmith River by Spray Cotton Mill complex (lower portion of by-passed reach, 300-400 m above NC 700/770 bridge, in midtown Eden39Wayne C. Starnes, RB Nichols, CJ Wood, MA McCormick
S5G5White ShinerLuxilus albeolusRockinghamDan River, immediately upstream of confluence with Smith River, [ca. 10.2 air miles NNW center Reidsville]12DJ Coughlan, BK Baker
S5G5White ShinerLuxilus albeolusRockinghamDan River, downstream of confluence with Smith River and immediately upstream of the NCWRC boat ramp on Bethlehem Church Road [SR 2039], [ca. 9.7 air miles NNW center Reidsville]18DJ Coughlan, BK Baker
S5G5White ShinerLuxilus albeolusRockinghamDan River, downstream of the Dan River Steam Station's thermal discharge, [ca. 9.5 air miles NNW center Reidsville]9DJ Coughlan, BK Baker
S5G5White ShinerLuxilus albeolusRockinghamWolf Island Creek at County Road 1767 bridge [Mayfield Road], 9.25 miles NE Reidsville, 2.0 miles SSE Mayfield1William M. Palmer, JH Hunt and GG Hearn
S5G5White ShinerLuxilus albeolusRockinghamWilliamson Creek at end County Road 1770 [Pryor Road], 6.0 miles NNE Ruffin1William M. Palmer, JH Hunt and GG Hearn
S5G5White ShinerLuxilus albeolusRockinghamTown Creek, at SR 1951 bridge, [ca. 4.9 kilometers] SE [center] Leaksville, [see georeference remarks]9William M. Palmer, JH Hunt and GG Hearn
S5G5White ShinerLuxilus albeolusRockinghamRock House Creek at County Highway 2127 bridge [Pannell Road], 3.75 miles S Leaksville3William M. Palmer and JH Hunt
S5G5White ShinerLuxilus albeolusRockinghamBuffalo Creek at NC 770 bridge, 2.0 miles WSW Leaksville8William M. Palmer and JH Hunt
S5G5White ShinerLuxilus albeolusRockinghamDry Creek at NC 770 bridge, 1.75 miles NE Draper16William M. Palmer and JH Hunt
S5G5White ShinerLuxilus albeolusRockinghamWolf Island Creek at SR 1767 [Mayfield Road], [ca. 10.6 air miles NE center Reidsville]14Bryn H. Tracy, Jeff T. DeBerardinis, S. Michelle Simonson, Mike Walters
S5G5White ShinerLuxilus albeolusRockinghamPawpaw Creek at SR 1360 [Smith Road], [ca. 6.4 air miles N center Mayodan]8Bryn H. Tracy, Tony Butz, Jeff T. DeBerardinis, Mark Hale, S McRae (NHP)
S5G5White ShinerLuxilus albeolusRockinghamBig Beaver Island Creek at US 311, [ca. 1.2 air miles WSW center Madison]3Bryn H. Tracy, Tony Butz, Jeff T. DeBerardinis, Mark Hale, S McRae (NHP)
S5G5White ShinerLuxilus albeolusRockinghamJacobs Creek at NC 704, [ca. 4.7 air miles ESE center Madison]2Bryn H. Tracy, Tony Butz, Jeff T. DeBerardinis, Cathy Tyndall, S McRae (NHP)
S5G5White ShinerLuxilus albeolusRockinghamMayo River at SR 1358 [Anglin Mill Road], 4.25 air miles W Price9Rudolf G. Arndt, Fred C. Rohde and S Nichols
S5G5White ShinerLuxilus albeolusRockinghamRock House Creek, at SR 2127 [Pannel Road], [ca. 15.7 kilometers ENE center Madison]2Bryn H. Tracy, Tony Butz, Jeff T. DeBerardinis, Cathy Tyndall
S5G5White ShinerLuxilus albeolusRockinghamMatrimony Creek at NC 770 [Washington Street], [W edge of Eden], [ca. 11.2 air miles NE center Mayodan]9Bryn H. Tracy, J DeBerardinis, Tony Butz, Cathy Tyndall
S5G5White ShinerLuxilus albeolusRockinghamWolf Island Creek at SR 1767 [Mayfield Road], [ca. 10.6 air miles NE center Reidsville]2Bryn H. Tracy, Tony Butz, Jeff T. DeBerardinis, Cathy Tyndall
S5G5White ShinerLuxilus albeolusRockinghamBig Beaver Island Creek, at US 311, [ca. 1.9 kilometers W center of Madison]5Bryn H. Tracy, Michael Shepherd, S Homewood, Mike Mickey, Mark Vander Borgh
S5G5White ShinerLuxilus albeolusRockinghamCascade Creek at Rt. 770, 2.8 miles NE Draper (=Eden)1US Army Corps of Engineers
S5G5White ShinerLuxilus albeolusRockinghamBelews Creek at SR 1138 [Lindsay Bridge Road] between Belews Lake and Dan River, [ca. 5.5 air miles] SW center Madison3Rudolf G. Arndt, Fred C. Rohde, students
S5G5White ShinerLuxilus albeolusRockinghamBuffalo Creek, at NC 135 [US 311], [ca. 4.0 kilometers WSW center of Eden]1Bryn H. Tracy, Michael Shepherd, J Iverson, J Carter, J Painter
S5G5White ShinerLuxilus albeolusRockinghamMayo River, [ca. 925-729 m] upstream of NC 135, Mayodan25CJ Wood, MA McCormick, CM Nunnery, NC Oakley
S5G5White ShinerLuxilus albeolusRockinghamMayo River downstream of SR 1395 [Janet Road], [ca. 1.5 air miles NE center Mayodan]4CJ Wood, MA McCormick, CM Nunnery, NC Oakley
S5G5White ShinerLuxilus albeolusRockinghamBuffalo Creek at Highway 770 bridge, 3.25 air miles WSW center Eden (=Leaksville)3FF Snelson and William M. Palmer
S5G5White ShinerLuxilus albeolusRockinghamSmith River at Rt 700-770 bridge in Eden7Jenkins, Burkhead, Gibson, Haxo