62 records are shown. [SciName like 'Luxilus albeolus', county='Rockingham'] |
S rank | G rank | comName | sciName | county | locality | number | collector |
S5 | G5 | White Shiner | Luxilus albeolus | Rockingham | Smith R. at Leaksville-Spray (???) | 15 | Edward Raney; Robert Ross; Royal Suttkus |
S5 | G5 | White Shiner | Luxilus albeolus | Rockingham | Trib. of Dan River 1.7 mi. W of Leaksville on Rt. 770 | 25 | Edward Raney; Royal Suttkus; Robert Ross |
S5 | G5 | White Shiner | Luxilus albeolus | Rockingham | Trib. to Haw R. on US 158, 13 mi. NE of jct. with US 220 on US 158 | 10 | Bruce Collette; Rudolf Miller; John Ramsey |
S5 | G5 | White Shiner | Luxilus albeolus | Rockingham | Mayo River, 6.5 mi NW Stoneville | 1 | Palmer, Hunt & Browne |
S5 | G5 | White Shiner | Luxilus albeolus | Rockingham | Pawpaw Cr, SR 1360 | 10 | |
S5 | G5 | White Shiner | Luxilus albeolus | Rockingham | Pawpaw Cr, SR 1360 | 8 | |
S5 | G5 | White Shiner | Luxilus albeolus | Rockingham | Big Beaver Island Cr, US 311 | 19 | |
S5 | G5 | White Shiner | Luxilus albeolus | Rockingham | Jacobs Cr, NC 704 | 5 | |
S5 | G5 | White Shiner | Luxilus albeolus | Rockingham | Matrimony Cr, NC 770 | 12 | |
S5 | G5 | White Shiner | Luxilus albeolus | Rockingham | Rock House Cr, SR 2127 | 3 | |
S5 | G5 | White Shiner | Luxilus albeolus | Rockingham | Wolf Island Cr, SR 1767 | 2 | |
S5 | G5 | White Shiner | Luxilus albeolus | Rockingham | Jones Cr, SR 2571 | 3 | |
S5 | G5 | White Shiner | Luxilus albeolus | Rockingham | Hogans Cr, NC 704 | 8 | |
S5 | G5 | White Shiner | Luxilus albeolus | Rockingham | Big Beaver Island Cr, US 311 | 10 | |
S5 | G5 | White Shiner | Luxilus albeolus | Rockingham | Jacobs Cr, NC 704 | 25 | |
S5 | G5 | White Shiner | Luxilus albeolus | Rockingham | Rock House Cr, SR 2127 | 44 | |
S5 | G5 | White Shiner | Luxilus albeolus | Rockingham | Wolf Island Cr, SR 1767 | 29 | |
S5 | G5 | White Shiner | Luxilus albeolus | Rockingham | Big Beaver Island Cr, US 311 | 10 | |
S5 | G5 | White Shiner | Luxilus albeolus | Rockingham | Hogans Cr, NC 704 | 4 | |
S5 | G5 | White Shiner | Luxilus albeolus | Rockingham | Jacobs Cr, NC 704 | 3 | |
S5 | G5 | White Shiner | Luxilus albeolus | Rockingham | Matrimony Cr, NC 770 | 1 | |
S5 | G5 | White Shiner | Luxilus albeolus | Rockingham | Buffalo Cr, NC 135 (US 311) | 6 | |
S5 | G5 | White Shiner | Luxilus albeolus | Rockingham | Cascade Cr, NC 770 | 1 | |
S5 | G5 | White Shiner | Luxilus albeolus | Rockingham | Wolf Island Cr, SR 1767 | 25 | |
S5 | G5 | White Shiner | Luxilus albeolus | Rockingham | Mayo River off County Road 1385 [Old Anglin Road], 6.5 miles NW Stoneville | 23 | William M. Palmer, JH Hunt and MM Browne |
S5 | G5 | White Shiner | Luxilus albeolus | Rockingham | Paw Paw Creek at SR 1360 [Smith Road], 4.0 air miles NW Stoneville | 11 | M Wicker, P Low, G Price, S Mitchell |
S5 | G5 | White Shiner | Luxilus albeolus | Rockingham | Dan River, Rt. 704-220, 1.25 air miles SE center Madison | 1 | Vince P. Schneider, et al. |
S5 | G5 | White Shiner | Luxilus albeolus | Rockingham | Wolf Island Creek, SR 1767 [Mayfield Road], [ca. 17.0 kilometers NE center Reidsville] | 11 | Bryn H. Tracy, Ron Boone, John Iverson, Matt Stillwell, Mike Turner |
S5 | G5 | White Shiner | Luxilus albeolus | Rockingham | Dan River, upstream from SSR 1138, 2.0 air miles SW Madison | 1 | R Jones |
S5 | G5 | White Shiner | Luxilus albeolus | Rockingham | Mayo River at SR 1358 (Anglin Mill Road), [ca. 12.9 air miles ENE center Eden] | 3 | CJ Wood, MA McCormick, CM Nunnery, Brena K. Jones, K Irvine |
S5 | G5 | White Shiner | Luxilus albeolus | Rockingham | Mayo River at NC 770, [ca. 4.2 air miles NNE center Mayodan] | 162 | CJ Wood, MA McCormick, CM Nunnery, Brena K. Jones, K Irvine |
S5 | G5 | White Shiner | Luxilus albeolus | Rockingham | Jones Creek at SR 2571 [Grooms Road], [ca. 6.4 air miles NE center Reidsville] | 3 | Bryn H. Tracy, Laura C. Gillespie, Miller Johnstone, Brad Lamphere, Allison L. Price |
S5 | G5 | White Shiner | Luxilus albeolus | Rockingham | Matrimony Creek, at end of SR 1536, at Leaksville, [ca. 11.8 air miles NW center Reidsville] | 14 | NCWRC |
S5 | G5 | White Shiner | Luxilus albeolus | Rockingham | Mayo River, SR 1358 [Anglin Mill Road], W of Price, [ca. 22.0 air miles NW center Reidsville] | 6 | NCWRC |
S5 | G5 | White Shiner | Luxilus albeolus | Rockingham | Mayo River, off SR 1339 [Mayo River Road], [NNE of] Mayodan, [ca. 17.0 air miles WNW center Reidsville] | 8 | NCWRC |
S5 | G5 | White Shiner | Luxilus albeolus | Rockingham | Mayo River at Anglin Mill Road (SR 1358), 6.8 air miles NW Stoneville | 1 | Wayne C. Starnes, Morgan E. Raley, T. Lynn Fullbright, Richard T. Bryant, HF Nonnenmacher |
S5 | G5 | White Shiner | Luxilus albeolus | Rockingham | Smith River by Spray Cotton Mill complex (lower portion of by-passed reach, 300-400 m above NC 700/770 bridge, in midtown Eden | 39 | Wayne C. Starnes, RB Nichols, CJ Wood, MA McCormick |
S5 | G5 | White Shiner | Luxilus albeolus | Rockingham | Dan River, immediately upstream of confluence with Smith River, [ca. 10.2 air miles NNW center Reidsville] | 12 | DJ Coughlan, BK Baker |
S5 | G5 | White Shiner | Luxilus albeolus | Rockingham | Dan River, downstream of confluence with Smith River and immediately upstream of the NCWRC boat ramp on Bethlehem Church Road [SR 2039], [ca. 9.7 air miles NNW center Reidsville] | 18 | DJ Coughlan, BK Baker |
S5 | G5 | White Shiner | Luxilus albeolus | Rockingham | Dan River, downstream of the Dan River Steam Station's thermal discharge, [ca. 9.5 air miles NNW center Reidsville] | 9 | DJ Coughlan, BK Baker |
S5 | G5 | White Shiner | Luxilus albeolus | Rockingham | Wolf Island Creek at County Road 1767 bridge [Mayfield Road], 9.25 miles NE Reidsville, 2.0 miles SSE Mayfield | 1 | William M. Palmer, JH Hunt and GG Hearn |
S5 | G5 | White Shiner | Luxilus albeolus | Rockingham | Williamson Creek at end County Road 1770 [Pryor Road], 6.0 miles NNE Ruffin | 1 | William M. Palmer, JH Hunt and GG Hearn |
S5 | G5 | White Shiner | Luxilus albeolus | Rockingham | Town Creek, at SR 1951 bridge, [ca. 4.9 kilometers] SE [center] Leaksville, [see georeference remarks] | 9 | William M. Palmer, JH Hunt and GG Hearn |
S5 | G5 | White Shiner | Luxilus albeolus | Rockingham | Rock House Creek at County Highway 2127 bridge [Pannell Road], 3.75 miles S Leaksville | 3 | William M. Palmer and JH Hunt |
S5 | G5 | White Shiner | Luxilus albeolus | Rockingham | Buffalo Creek at NC 770 bridge, 2.0 miles WSW Leaksville | 8 | William M. Palmer and JH Hunt |
S5 | G5 | White Shiner | Luxilus albeolus | Rockingham | Dry Creek at NC 770 bridge, 1.75 miles NE Draper | 16 | William M. Palmer and JH Hunt |
S5 | G5 | White Shiner | Luxilus albeolus | Rockingham | Wolf Island Creek at SR 1767 [Mayfield Road], [ca. 10.6 air miles NE center Reidsville] | 14 | Bryn H. Tracy, Jeff T. DeBerardinis, S. Michelle Simonson, Mike Walters |
S5 | G5 | White Shiner | Luxilus albeolus | Rockingham | Pawpaw Creek at SR 1360 [Smith Road], [ca. 6.4 air miles N center Mayodan] | 8 | Bryn H. Tracy, Tony Butz, Jeff T. DeBerardinis, Mark Hale, S McRae (NHP) |
S5 | G5 | White Shiner | Luxilus albeolus | Rockingham | Big Beaver Island Creek at US 311, [ca. 1.2 air miles WSW center Madison] | 3 | Bryn H. Tracy, Tony Butz, Jeff T. DeBerardinis, Mark Hale, S McRae (NHP) |
S5 | G5 | White Shiner | Luxilus albeolus | Rockingham | Jacobs Creek at NC 704, [ca. 4.7 air miles ESE center Madison] | 2 | Bryn H. Tracy, Tony Butz, Jeff T. DeBerardinis, Cathy Tyndall, S McRae (NHP) |
S5 | G5 | White Shiner | Luxilus albeolus | Rockingham | Mayo River at SR 1358 [Anglin Mill Road], 4.25 air miles W Price | 9 | Rudolf G. Arndt, Fred C. Rohde and S Nichols |
S5 | G5 | White Shiner | Luxilus albeolus | Rockingham | Rock House Creek, at SR 2127 [Pannel Road], [ca. 15.7 kilometers ENE center Madison] | 2 | Bryn H. Tracy, Tony Butz, Jeff T. DeBerardinis, Cathy Tyndall |
S5 | G5 | White Shiner | Luxilus albeolus | Rockingham | Matrimony Creek at NC 770 [Washington Street], [W edge of Eden], [ca. 11.2 air miles NE center Mayodan] | 9 | Bryn H. Tracy, J DeBerardinis, Tony Butz, Cathy Tyndall |
S5 | G5 | White Shiner | Luxilus albeolus | Rockingham | Wolf Island Creek at SR 1767 [Mayfield Road], [ca. 10.6 air miles NE center Reidsville] | 2 | Bryn H. Tracy, Tony Butz, Jeff T. DeBerardinis, Cathy Tyndall |
S5 | G5 | White Shiner | Luxilus albeolus | Rockingham | Big Beaver Island Creek, at US 311, [ca. 1.9 kilometers W center of Madison] | 5 | Bryn H. Tracy, Michael Shepherd, S Homewood, Mike Mickey, Mark Vander Borgh |
S5 | G5 | White Shiner | Luxilus albeolus | Rockingham | Cascade Creek at Rt. 770, 2.8 miles NE Draper (=Eden) | 1 | US Army Corps of Engineers |
S5 | G5 | White Shiner | Luxilus albeolus | Rockingham | Belews Creek at SR 1138 [Lindsay Bridge Road] between Belews Lake and Dan River, [ca. 5.5 air miles] SW center Madison | 3 | Rudolf G. Arndt, Fred C. Rohde, students |
S5 | G5 | White Shiner | Luxilus albeolus | Rockingham | Buffalo Creek, at NC 135 [US 311], [ca. 4.0 kilometers WSW center of Eden] | 1 | Bryn H. Tracy, Michael Shepherd, J Iverson, J Carter, J Painter |
S5 | G5 | White Shiner | Luxilus albeolus | Rockingham | Mayo River, [ca. 925-729 m] upstream of NC 135, Mayodan | 25 | CJ Wood, MA McCormick, CM Nunnery, NC Oakley |
S5 | G5 | White Shiner | Luxilus albeolus | Rockingham | Mayo River downstream of SR 1395 [Janet Road], [ca. 1.5 air miles NE center Mayodan] | 4 | CJ Wood, MA McCormick, CM Nunnery, NC Oakley |
S5 | G5 | White Shiner | Luxilus albeolus | Rockingham | Buffalo Creek at Highway 770 bridge, 3.25 air miles WSW center Eden (=Leaksville) | 3 | FF Snelson and William M. Palmer |
S5 | G5 | White Shiner | Luxilus albeolus | Rockingham | Smith River at Rt 700-770 bridge in Eden | 7 | Jenkins, Burkhead, Gibson, Haxo |