19 records for Cyprinella nivea in Alamance County. |
id | number | family | locality | county | latitude | longitude | date_collect | collector | institution | record_source | park | nrid_id |
150101 | 1 | Leuciscidae | Haw R. at Atlamahaw on Rt. 87 | Alamance | 36.182637 | -79.509898 | 6/24/1946 | Edward Raney; Ernest Lachner; Robert Ross | CUMV | Tracy et al. | | |
159195 | 49 | Leuciscidae | Big Alamance Cr, SR 2309 | Alamance | 36.01833333 | -79.4025 | 11/4/1993 | | NCDWR | Tracy et al. | | |
160612 | 12 | Leuciscidae | Stinking Quarter Cr, SR 1136 | Alamance | 36.01388889 | -79.43222222 | 4/8/1998 | | NCDWR | Tracy et al. | | |
162634 | 1 | Leuciscidae | Little Alamance Cr, SR 2309 | Alamance | 36.0346453 | -79.4089905 | 4/23/2003 | | NCDWR | Tracy et al. | | |
165633 | 9 | Leuciscidae | Marys Cr, SR 2174 | Alamance | 35.915973 | -79.306684 | 4/13/2009 | | NCDWR | Tracy et al. | | |
167889 | 4 | Leuciscidae | Marys Cr, SR 2174 | Alamance | 35.915973 | -79.306684 | 4/18/2013 | | NCDWR | Tracy et al. | | |
167899 | 3 | Leuciscidae | Haw Cr, SR 2158 | Alamance | 36.0003619 | -79.342724 | 4/18/2013 | | NCDWR | Tracy et al. | | |
172519 | 69 | Leuciscidae | Big Alamance Creek, [off of] SR 2309 [Rogers Road, ca. 5.6 kilometers S center Graham, see georeference remarks] | Alamance | 36.01833 | -79.40249634 | | Vince P. Schneider, Mark Hale, J Fisher, Harold Quidley | NCSM | Tracy et al. | | |
174928 | 12 | Leuciscidae | Stinking Quarter Creek at SR 1136 [Battleground Road], [ca. 4.8 air miles S center Burlington] | Alamance | 36.01389 | -79.43222046 | | Bryn H. Tracy, Lawrence E. Eaton, Neil Medlin, Dave L. Penrose | NCSM | Tracy et al. | | |
175056 | 1 | Leuciscidae | Big Stinking Quarter Creek, on NC 49, [ca. 0.9 air miles SSW center] of Bellemont, [ca. 5.7 air miles S center Burlington] | Alamance | 36.01283 | -79.44586182 | | NCWRC | NCSM | Tracy et al. | | |
176321 | 11 | Leuciscidae | Haw River, off gravel road off SSR 2338, Saxapahaw | Alamance | 35.9457 | -79.32160187 | | R Jones | NCSM | Tracy et al. | | |
177503 | 3 | Leuciscidae | South Prong Stinking Quarter Creek, on SR 1117 [Boyd Wright Road], S of Alamance, [ca. 8.1 air miles SW center Burlington] | Alamance | 35.989 | -79.49672699 | | NCWRC | NCSM | Tracy et al. | | |
178778 | 9 | Leuciscidae | Marys Creek at SR 2174 [Whitney Lane], [ca. 14.4 air miles SSE center Burlington] | Alamance | 35.91602 | -79.30697632 | | Bryn H. Tracy, Jeff T. DeBerardinis, S. Michelle Simonson, Victor Holland | NCSM | Tracy et al. | | |
182802 | 4 | Leuciscidae | Marys Creek, at SR 2174 [Whitney Road], [ca. 10.8 air miles SE center of Bellemont] | Alamance | 35.91597 | -79.3066864 | | Bryn H. Tracy, Jeff T. DeBerardinis, Danny Smith, Mark Vander Borgh | NCSM | Tracy et al. | | |
182808 | 3 | Leuciscidae | Haw Creek, at SR 2158 [Swepsonville Saxapahaw Road], [ca. 5.7 air miles SE center of Graham] | Alamance | 36.00036 | -79.34272766 | | Bryn H. Tracy, Jeff T. DeBerardinis, Danny Smith, Mark Vander Borgh | NCSM | Tracy et al. | | |
184358 | 14 | Leuciscidae | Haw River, [shoal complex above Big Branch, ca. 10.0 air miles WSW Carrboro] | Alamance | 35.8668 | -79.24980164 | | Ryan J. Heise, RB Nichols, S Van Horn | NCSM | Tracy et al. | | |
184819 | 3 | Leuciscidae | Haw River at Saxapahaw | Alamance | 35.9378 | -79.3085022 | | Vince P. Schneider | NCSM | Tracy et al. | | |
187293 | 1 | Leuciscidae | Little Alamance Creek at SR 2309 [Rogers Road], [ca. 4.5 air miles SSE center Burlington] | Alamance | 36.0345 | -79.40940094 | | Bryn H. Tracy, Mark Hale, Anthony Butz, Mark Vander Borgh | NCSM | Tracy et al. | | |
187437 | 1 | Leuciscidae | Haw River at NC 62, N edge of Burlington | Alamance | 36.1369 | -79.42749786 | | Wayne C. Starnes, Gabriela M. Hogue, T. Lynn Fullbright | NCSM | Tracy et al. | | |