Freshwater Fishes of North Carolina

3 records for Dorosoma cepedianum in Alamance County.

1053482ClupeidaeHaw River at and above mouth of Alamance Creek and Swepsonville, 6-7.0 air miles SE center BurlingtonAlamance36.0194-79.3656005914-Oct-97Wayne C. Starnes, T. Lynn Fullbright, Bryn H. Tracy, Neil Medlin, Mark Hale (NCDWQ)NCSMTracy et al.
1055351ClupeidaeStinking Quarter Creek at SR 1136 [Battleground Road], 4.3 air miles SW center of GrahamAlamance36.01389-79.4322204619-May-94Vince P. Schneider, J Fisher, K Cross, Cathy TyndallNCSMTracy et al.
1058321ClupeidaeHaw River, SR 2171[Swepsomville Road], at SaxapahawAlamance35.9457-79.3133010926-May-87Vince P. Schneider, Harold Quidley and D GoodrichNCSMTracy et al.