3 records for Ameiurus catus in Anson County. |
id | number | family | locality | county | latitude | longitude | date_collect | collector | institution | record_source | park | nrid_id |
141665 | 1 | Ictaluridae | Mill Creek, [ca. 1.5 air] miles S of Cairo, [ca. 10.4 air miles WSW center Rockingham] | Anson | 34.86281 | -79.93283081 | 10-Jul-61 | NCWRC | NCSM | Tracy et al. | | |
141941 | 4 | Ictaluridae | Brown Creek, 4.0 miles E of Ansonville, [ca. 8.4 air miles NNE center Wadesboro] | Anson | 35.08199 | -80.02481079 | 12-Jul-61 | NCWRC | NCSM | Tracy et al. | | |
143431 | 2 | Ictaluridae | Pee Dee River, slough in east channel, [see georeference remarks] | Anson | 35.00038 | -79.89646149 | 23-May-78 | M.F. Corcoran, R.W. Hanley | NCSM | Tracy et al. | | |