Freshwater Fishes of North Carolina

7 records for Elassoma evergladei in Bladen County.

1091572ElassomatidaeBorrow pit along Rt. 141(=11), 0.5 road miles N junction Rt. 210, 6.5 air miles E.SE KellyBladen34.4513-78.210601806640625 March 1975Alvin L. Braswell, John E. Cooper and William M. PalmerNCSMTracy et al.
1091951Elassomatidae[Council Millpond], North State Game Club, 1.0 mile N Council, [ca. 15.5 air miles SSE center Elizabethtown]Bladen34.43583-78.468162536621102 April 1966studentsNCSMTracy et al.
1092117ElassomatidaeOutlet [Friar Swamp] of pond at North State Game Club, 1.6 kilometers [NNW] Council, [ca. 24.8 kilometers SSE center Elizabethtown]Bladen34.43433-78.47460937504 April 1964Joseph R. Bailey and studentsNCSMTracy et al.
10921216ElassomatidaeChannels in drained lake bed, at North State Game Club, 1 mile N Council, [ca. 24.9 kilometers SSE center Elizabethtown]Bladen34.43492-78.472183227539104 April 1964Joseph R. Bailey and Zoo 224 studentsNCSMTracy et al.
10921314Elassomatidae[Council] Millpond, at North State Game Club, 1.6 kilometers [NNW] Council, [ca. 24.8 kilometers SSE center Elizabethtown]Bladen34.43506-78.471916198730507 October 1962Joseph R. Bailey, Ted Murphy, Dan D [?]NCSMTracy et al.
1092143ElassomatidaeCouncil Millpond, North State Game Club, 1.6 kilometers NW Council, [ca. 23.8 kilometers ENE center Whiteville]Bladen34.43592-78.471977233886727 March 1963Joseph R. Bailey, D.M. Davis, A.R. Hoge, T.D. MurphyNCSMTracy et al.
1092171ElassomatidaeOutlet [Friar Swamp] of lake at North State Game Club, 1.6 kilometer [NNW] Council, [ca. 24.9 kilometers SSE center Elizabethtown]Bladen34.43433-78.47460937531 March 1966DW Osgood and Zoo 224 class.NCSMTracy et al.