Freshwater Fishes of North Carolina

30 records for Notemigonus crysoleucas in Guilford County.

15009521LeuciscidaeHaw R., 3.5 mi. S of Stokesdale on Rt. 68Guilford36.19788-79.9851686/24/1946Edward Raney; Robert Ross; Ernest LachnerCUMVTracy et al.
1511231LeuciscidaeTrib. of Haw R. on US 220, 1.2 mi. S of jct. with US 158Guilford36.228454-79.9138833/30/1958Bruce Collette; H. HowardCUMVTracy et al.
1511748LeuciscidaeHaw R., 1.8 mi. N of Oak Ridge on NC 68Guilford36.19788-79.9851689/19/1959Bruce Collette; Rudolf Miller; John RamseyCUMVTracy et al.
1593056LeuciscidaeS Buffalo Cr, US 70Guilford36.089368-79.6880885/10/1994NCDWRTracy et al.
1593061LeuciscidaeS Buffalo Cr, SR 2821Guilford36.1125-79.671944445/10/1994NCDWRTracy et al.
1605991LeuciscidaeHaw R, SR 2109Guilford36.21305556-79.956666674/6/1998NCDWRTracy et al.
1606434LeuciscidaeLittle Alamance Cr, SR 3039Guilford36.029791-79.7191914/22/1998NCDWRTracy et al.
1613323LeuciscidaeBull Run Cr, off SR 1549Guilford36.0108863-79.91379159/20/1999NCDWRTracy et al.
1613373LeuciscidaeN Buffalo Cr, SR 1400Guilford36.0843035-79.79978979/20/1999NCDWRTracy et al.
1626291LeuciscidaeRichland Cr, SR 1154Guilford35.94115-79.93201324/22/2003NCDWRTracy et al.
1627261LeuciscidaeHickory Cr, SR 1140Guilford35.93388889-79.869722226/23/2003NCDWRTracy et al.
1627463LeuciscidaeBull Run Cr, SR 1144Guilford35.98083333-79.926111116/24/2003NCDWRTracy et al.
1632454LeuciscidaeS Buffalo Cr, Merritt DrGuilford36.04944444-79.8555/21/2004NCDWRTracy et al.
1633146LeuciscidaeN Buffalo Cr, SR 1400Guilford36.084304-79.799796/2/2004NCDWRTracy et al.
1633673LeuciscidaeRichland Cr, off SR 1145Guilford35.93861111-79.909444446/7/2004NCDWRTracy et al.
1633774LeuciscidaeReedy Fk, SR 2128Guilford36.172914-79.9530936/8/2004NCDWRTracy et al.
1635661LeuciscidaeLong Br, off SR 1551Guilford36.03055556-79.938611117/6/2004NCDWRTracy et al.
1679585LeuciscidaeN Buffalo Cr, SR 2628Guilford36.081685-79.8285845/13/2013NCDWRTracy et al.
1753241LeuciscidaeReedy Fork at SR 2128 [Bunch Road], [ca. 11.3 air miles NW center Greensboro]Guilford36.17278-79.95333099Bryn H. Tracy, Laura C. Gillespie, Miller Johnstone, Brad Lamphere, Allison L. PriceNCSMTracy et al.
1769396LeuciscidaeSouth Buffalo Creek at US 70, 2.2 air miles SW McLeansvilleGuilford36.08944-79.68861389Vince P. Schneider, K Cross, E Williams, Cathy TyndallNCSMTracy et al.
18057212LeuciscidaeHaw River at SR 68, [2.7] miles S Stokesdale, [ca. 13.8 air miles NW center Greensboro]Guilford36.1977-79.98509979Rudolf G. Arndt, Fred C. RohdeNCSMTracy et al.
1824951LeuciscidaeHaw River at Route 68, 1.6 air miles N Oak Ridge, [ca. 13.8 air miles NW center Greensboro]Guilford36.1977-79.98509979Rudolf G. Arndt and studentsNCSMTracy et al.
1838262LeuciscidaeMorrows Creek [?=Brush Creek] [at] SR 2137 [Old Oak Ridge Road], [1.5] miles from junction SR 2133 [Pleasant Ridge Road], [ca. 8.3 air miles WNW center Greensboro], [see remarks]Guilford36.1212-79.92795563LS Dockery, A WardNCSMTracy et al.
1864234LeuciscidaeLittle Alamance Creek at SR 3039 [Nelson Farm Road], [ca. 5.0 air miles SE center Greensboro]Guilford36.02973-79.7191391Bryn H. Tracy, Nancy Guthrie, Patricia MacPherson, Neil MedlinNCSMTracy et al.
1864471LeuciscidaeRichland Creek at SR 1154 [Kersey Valley Road], [ca. 4.0 air miles E center Highpoint]Guilford35.94111-79.93222046Bryn H. Tracy, Anthony Butz, Mark Hale, Mark Vander BorghNCSMTracy et al.
19051313LeuciscidaeRichland Creek at SR 1154, 3.75 air miles S JamestownGuilford35.9414-79.93139648William M. Palmer, R Pegram, JH Carter, P PurcellNCSMTracy et al.
1905151LeuciscidaeDeep River at US 29-70, Route 85, 1.75 air miles SE JamestownGuilford35.9732-79.91870117William M. Palmer, R Pegram, JH Carter, P PurcellNCSMTracy et al.
1911491LeuciscidaeDeep River just below Freeman Mill, SSR 1129, [Groometown Road], 4.6 air miles SE JamestownGuilford35.9377-79.89019775Vince P. SchneiderNCSMTracy et al.
1984075LeuciscidaeReedy Fork of Haw River at Foultz (Fulk's) Mill, 11 mi NE of Greensborough; Cape Fear River dr. *Guilford36.181526-79.708807DS Jordan, OP Jenkins, SE MeekUMMZTracy et al.
1994273LeuciscidaeSouth Buffalo Creek about 5 miles southeast of Greensborough (= Greensboro, NC)Guilford36.053098-79.739278Jordan, Jenkins, MeekUSNMTracy et al.