Freshwater Fishes of North Carolina

7 records for Notemigonus crysoleucas in Lee County.

1778712LeuciscidaeCape Fear River at Buckhorn Dam, [ca. 10.7] air miles [NNE center] Broadway, [ca. 18.4 air miles ENE center Sanford]Lee35.5393-78.99030304Gerald B. Pottern, B Moore and K OwenNCSMTracy et al.
1825126LeuciscidaeTributary [Hughes Creek] just S SR 1504 and just E SR 1002, 7.6 air miles NNW Broadway, [ca. 7.6 air miles NE center Sanford]Lee35.5626-79.09159851RH Pegram and P PurcellNCSMTracy et al.
18384826LeuciscidaeUpper Little River off NC Highway 87, 1.5 miles N Swann, [6.3 air miles SE Sanford]Lee35.4002-79.1128006NCWRC (Louder, Phillips and Eagerton)NCSMTracy et al.
1851701LeuciscidaeDeep River, SR 2153-1400 [Rosser Road-Cumnock Road], 2.6 air miles ENE GulfLee35.5705-79.24099731Gerald B. Pottern, B Gunn, I Harrold, T LemonNCSMTracy et al.
1853243LeuciscidaeLonnie Wombles Creek, SR 1500 [Lower River Road], 6.5 air miles NE ColonLee35.5969-79.07489777Gerald B. Pottern and T WenzelNCSMTracy et al.
18652215LeuciscidaeGum Fork Creek [=Hughes Creek], [ca.] 1.0 miles N of Rosser, [ca. 7.8 air miles NNE center Sanford], [see remarks]Lee35.5634-79.09320068NCWRCNCSMTracy et al.
1918761LeuciscidaeWomble Creek [Lonnie Wombles Creek] at SR 1500 [Lower River Road], 6.5 air miles NE Colon, [10.0 air miles NE center Sanford]Lee35.597-79.07530212R and DB PegramNCSMTracy et al.