5 records for Cyprinella nivea in Lincoln County. |
id | number | family | locality | county | latitude | longitude | date_collect | collector | institution | record_source | park | nrid_id |
159151 | 21 | Leuciscidae | Leepers Cr, NC 73 | Lincoln | 35.470165 | -81.119702 | 6/29/1993 | | NCDWR | Tracy et al. | | |
178923 | 9 | Leuciscidae | Killian Creek, on SR 1511 [Old Plank Road], [ca. 1.6 kilometers W of Lowesville | Lincoln | 35.4164 | -81.0281601 | | Fred C. Rohde, G. William Link, Steve W. Ross, David E. Fast | NCSM | Tracy et al. | | |
191616 | 15 | Leuciscidae | Leepers Creek at NC Highway 73, ca. 12.2 kilometers E center Lincolnton | Lincoln | 35.47055 | -81.1202774 | | Vince P. Schneider, J Fisher, Mark Hale, G Price | NCSM | Tracy et al. | | |
198432 | 2 | Leuciscidae | Small stream, 1 mi E of Catawba River bridge, 5 mi W of Cornelius; trib. Catawba River | Lincoln | 35.429816 | -80.963894 | | JF Wilson | UMMZ | Tracy et al. | | |
198433 | 1 | Leuciscidae | Catawba River, 1.5 mi above hwy 73 bridge, 5 mi W of Cornelius, on south side of island in the river | Lincoln | 35.449007 | -80.955515 | | JF Wilson | UMMZ | Tracy et al. | | |