17 records for Cyprinella nivea in Mecklenburg County. |
id | number | family | locality | county | latitude | longitude | date_collect | collector | institution | record_source | park | nrid_id |
160373 | 1 | Leuciscidae | Little Sugar Cr, NC 51 | Mecklenburg | 35.085 | -80.88277778 | 6/30/1997 | | NCDWR | Tracy et al. | | |
160376 | 6 | Leuciscidae | Sugar Cr, SR 1156 | Mecklenburg | 35.18972222 | -80.91444444 | 6/30/1997 | | NCDWR | Tracy et al. | | |
161070 | 6 | Leuciscidae | Sugar Cr, SR 1156 | Mecklenburg | 35.18972222 | -80.91444444 | 4/15/1999 | | NCDWR | Tracy et al. | | |
161074 | 8 | Leuciscidae | Little Sugar Cr, NC 51 | Mecklenburg | 35.085 | -80.88277778 | 4/15/1999 | | NCDWR | Tracy et al. | | |
164840 | 9 | Leuciscidae | Little Sugar Cr, NC 51 | Mecklenburg | 35.085 | -80.88277778 | 4/24/2007 | | NCDWR | Tracy et al. | | |
167322 | 23 | Leuciscidae | Little Sugar Cr, NC 51 | Mecklenburg | 35.085 | -80.88277778 | 4/24/2012 | | NCDWR | Tracy et al. | | |
179741 | 1 | Leuciscidae | Catawba River, Lake Norman Reservoir, Davidson-Cornelius area | Mecklenburg | 35.4846 | -80.91490173 | | Cheri Smith | NCSM | Tracy et al. | | |
180298 | 6 | Leuciscidae | Sugar Creek at SR 1156 [Yorkmont Road], [ca. 4.7 air miles SW center Charlotte] | Mecklenburg | 35.18972 | -80.91444397 | | Bryn H. Tracy, Nancy Guthrie, Dave Lenat, Neil Medlin | NCSM | Tracy et al. | | |
180302 | 8 | Leuciscidae | Little Sugar Creek at NC 51 [Pineville Matthews Road], [ca. 10.0 air miles S center Charlotte] | Mecklenburg | 35.085 | -80.88277435 | | Bryn H. Tracy, Nancy Guthrie, Dave Lenat, Neil Medlin | NCSM | Tracy et al. | | |
188216 | 9 | Leuciscidae | Little Sugar Creek at NC 51 [Pineville Mathews Road], [ca. 10.3 air miles S center Charlotte] | Mecklenburg | 35.085 | -80.88277435 | | Bryn H. Tracy, Jeff T. DeBerardinis, Blair Prusha, S. Michelle Simonson | NCSM | Tracy et al. | | |
188231 | 23 | Leuciscidae | Little Sugar Creek, at NC 51, [ca.9.8 air miles SSW center Charlotte] | Mecklenburg | 35.085 | -80.88277435 | | Bryn H. Tracy, M Allocco, D Hood, P Lespinasse, Mike Mickey | NCSM | Tracy et al. | | |
192284 | 1 | Leuciscidae | Little Sugar Creek at NC 51 [Pineville Mathews Road], [ca. 10.3 air miles S center Charlotte] | Mecklenburg | 35.085 | -80.88277435 | | Bryn H. Tracy, Kathy Herring, Neil Medlin, Dave L. Penrose | NCSM | Tracy et al. | | |
192286 | 6 | Leuciscidae | Sugar Creek, SR 1156 [Yorkmont Road] [ca. 7.7 kilometers WSW center Charlotte] | Mecklenburg | 35.18972 | -80.91444397 | | Bryn H. Tracy, Kathy Herring, Neil Medlin, Dave L. Penrose | NCSM | Tracy et al. | | |
194184 | 1 | Leuciscidae | Lake Norman at McGuire Nuclear Station discharge cove | Mecklenburg | 35.436203 | -80.941989 | 8/5/1976 | Duke Power Fisheries Group, | RCIC | Tracy et al. | | |
198810 | 4 | Leuciscidae | Below the point where Torrence Creek enters McDowell Creek, 3 miles WSW of Huntersville | Mecklenburg | 35.405188 | -80.894042 | 7/7/1955 | Randall & Smoak | USNM | Tracy et al. | | |
198811 | 1 | Leuciscidae | Long Creek at NC 12 (SR 2074), 0.5 miles southeast of Long Creek | Mecklenburg | 35.345133 | -80.883981 | 7/7/1955 | Randall & Smoak | USNM | Tracy et al. | | |
198833 | 2 | Leuciscidae | Paw Creek, US 74, 7.5 Miles W of Charlotte | Mecklenburg | 35.240217 | -80.974737 | 7/9/1955 | Freeman, H. W. | USNM | Tracy et al. | | |