7 records for Cyprinella nivea in Montgomery County. |
id | number | family | locality | county | latitude | longitude | date_collect | collector | institution | record_source | park | nrid_id |
149449 | 27 | Leuciscidae | Belford Creek on N.C.Route 731 between Hydro and Mt. Gilead. | Montgomery | 35.205882 | -80.036581 | | G. A. Coventry, C. B. Peterson, F. A. Ulmer, Jr. | ANSP | Tracy et al. | | |
169325 | 1 | Leuciscidae | Clarks Cr, SR 1188 | Montgomery | 35.22111111 | -80.03305556 | 4/14/2016 | | NCDWR | Tracy et al. | | |
170423 | 6 | Leuciscidae | Tillery Plant Tailrace, [ca. 13.0 air miles SE center Albemarle] | Montgomery | 35.20012 | -80.0604248 | | JM Swing, JU Crutchfield, WR Garrett, EG McGowan | NCSM | Tracy et al. | | |
176994 | 3 | Leuciscidae | Little River, Town Creek Indian Mound Historic Site, river mile 8.1-8.2, mouth of Town Creek and below, 4.9 air miles SE Mount Gilead | Montgomery | 35.176 | -79.92199707 | | Robert E. Jenkins, WH Dixon, JP Fernatt | NCSM | Tracy et al. | | |
179647 | 1 | Leuciscidae | Clarks Creek, SR 1188 [Hydro Road], [ca. 20.9 kilometers SE center Albemarle] | Montgomery | 35.22111 | -80.03305817 | | Bryn H. Tracy, Jim Barber, Matt Stillwell, Mike Walters | NCSM | Tracy et al. | | |
182200 | 2 | Leuciscidae | Uwharrie River, near Coggins Mine at Low Water Bridge Road [SR 1301], [ca. 14.6 air miles NE center Albemarle] | Montgomery | 35.48896 | -80.00563812 | | NCWRC | NCSM | Tracy et al. | | |
197243 | 1 | Leuciscidae | Uwharrie River, beyond Co Rte 1152, 1.3 miles SW of Uwharrie. | Montgomery | 35.408695 | -80.022122 | | Menhinick, Edward; family | UF | Tracy et al. | | |