id | number | family | locality | county | latitude | longitude | date_collect | collector | institution | record_source | park | nrid_id |
13343 | 1 | Acipenseridae | 150, HWY.32 TO LAUREL PT. | Washington | 35.963 | -76.483 | 800602 | | NCDMF | Tracy et al. | | |
13344 | 1 | Acipenseridae | 151, RAILROAD BR. TO HWY. 32 SOUTHSIDE | Washington | 35.95 | -76.518 | 000808 | | NCDMF | Tracy et al. | | |
13345 | 1 | Acipenseridae | 152, Roanoke River to Railroad Bridge | Washington | 35.942 | -76.641 | 800708 | | NCDMF | Tracy et al. | | |
13473 | 1 | Acipenseridae | Albemarle Sound, N of Albemarle Beach (town), [ca. 7.2 air miles S center Edenton] | Washington | 35.95667 | -76.625 | 02 April 2008 | NCDMF | NCSM | Tracy et al. | | |
13486 | 2 | Acipenseridae | Albemarle Sound, N of Albemarle Beach (town), [ca. 7.2 air miles S center Edenton] | Washington | 35.95667 | -76.625 | 09 May 2008 | NCDMF | NCSM | Tracy et al. | | |
13491 | 1 | Acipenseridae | [Swan Bay], between Roanoke River and Mackeys Creek, [ca. 8.7 air miles SSW center Edenton] | Washington | 35.94 | -76.6516647338867 | 12 May 2008 | NCDMF | NCSM | Tracy et al. | | |
13504 | 1 | Acipenseridae | Swan Bay, [ca. 8.3 air miles SSW center Edenton] | Washington | 35.95167 | -76.6716690063477 | 21 May 2008 | NCDMF | NCSM | Tracy et al. | | |
13513 | 2 | Acipenseridae | [Albemarle Sound, ca. 12.9 kilometers S center Edenton] | Washington | 35.94517 | -76.6101608276367 | 25 March 2015 | Sean Darsee, Jake Rennert | NCSM | Tracy et al. | | |
13530 | 7 | Acipenseridae | Albemarle Sound, Bull Bay (Scuppernong River area) W to mouth of Roanoke River, [ca. 8.7 air miles SE center Edenton], [see remarks] | Washington | 35.96652 | -76.5063095092773 | November 2007- December 2008 | NCDMF | NCSM | Tracy et al. | | |