563 species for Macon County |
family | sciName | comName |
| | |
Acarosporaceae | Acarospora fuscata | Brown Cobblestone Lichen |
| Acarospora obpallens | cracked lichen |
| Acarospora privigna | Common Coal-dust Lichen |
| Acarospora subfuscescens | a lichenicolous fungus |
Agyriaceae | Agyrium rufum | Rufous Dot Fungus |
Arthoniaceae | Arthonia rubella | Rufous Comma Lichen |
| Diarthonis spadicea | comma lichen |
| Arthothelium ruanum | Jaguar-spot Comma Lichen |
| Arthothelium spectabile | Spectacular Comma Lichen |
| Arthonia radiata | Asterisk Lichen |
| Cryptothecia striata | Striate Felt Lichen |
| Arthonia subconveniens | a lungwort comma fungus |
Baeomycetaceae | Baeomyces rufus | Brown Beret Lichen |
Brigantieaceae | Brigantiaea leucoxantha | Brick-spored Lichen |
Caliciaceae | Amandinea punctata | Tiny Button Lichen |
| Baculifera curtisii | Curtis' Button Lichen |
| Buellia elizae | Eliza's Button Lichen |
| Buellia erubescens | Common Button Lichen |
| Buellia spuria | Sunken Rock Buttons |
| Buellia vernicoma | button lichen |
| Calicium glaucellum | pin lichen |
| Calicium trabinellum | Yellow Collar Stubble Lichen |
| Chrismofulvea dialyta | button lichen |
| Dimelaena oreina | Moonglow Lichen |
| Pyxine sorediata | a mustard lichen |
| Buellia badia | Parasitic Button Lichen |
Candelariaceae | Candelaria fibrosa | Fringed Candleflame Lichen |
| Candelariella efflorescens | Powdery Goldspeck |
Carbonicolaceae | Carbonicola anthracophila | Small Clam Lichen |
Chrysotrichaceae | Chrysothrix insulizans | gold dust lichen |
| Chrysothrix xanthina | Common Gold Dust Lichen |
Cladoniaceae | Cetradonia linearis | Rock Gnome Lichen |
| Cladonia apodocarpa | Stalkless Cladonia |
| Cladonia arbuscula | reindeer lichen |
| Cladonia mitis | Green Reindeer Lichen |
| Cladonia caespiticia | Stubby-stalked Cladonia |
| Cladonia caroliniana | Granite Thorn Cladonia |
| Cladonia cenotea | Powdered Funnel Lichen |
| Cladonia chlorophaea | Mealy Pixie-cup |
| Cladonia ciliata | Ciliate Reindeer Lichen |
| Cladonia coccifera | Red Pixie Cup |
| Cladonia coniocraea | Common Powderhorn |
| Cladonia conista | cup lichen |
| Cladonia cristatella | British Soldiers |
| Cladonia didyma | Southern Soldiers |
| Cladonia fimbriata | Trumpet Lichen |
| Cladonia floerkeana | Devil's Matchsticks |
| Cladonia furcata | Forked Cladonia |
| Cladonia grayi | Gray's Pixie-cup Lichen |
| Cladonia humilis | Humble Pyxie-cup |
| Cladonia macilenta | Lipstick Powderhorn |
| Cladonia mateocyatha | Mixed-up Pixie Cups |
| Cladonia multiformis | Shape-shifting Pixie Lichen |
| Cladonia ochrochlora | Smooth-footed Powderhorn |
| Cladonia parasitica | Fence-rail Cladonia |
| Cladonia petrophila | Rock-loving Cladonia |
| Cladonia peziziformis | Turban Lichen |
| Cladonia pleurota | Red-fruited Pixie-cup Lichen |
| Cladonia pyxidata | Pebbled Pyxie-cup Lichen |
| Cladonia ramulosa | Branched Pixie-cup Lichen |
| Cladonia rangiferina | Gray Reindeer Lichen |
| Cladonia robbinsii | Yellow Tongue Cladonia |
| Cladonia squamosa | Dragon Cladonia |
| Cladonia stipitata | Stipitate Cladonia |
| Cladonia strepsilis | Olive Cladonia |
| Cladonia subcariosa | Peg Lichen |
| Cladonia subtenuis | Dixie Reindeer Lichen |
| Cladonia uncialis | Thorn Cladonia |
| Cladonia verticillata | Ladder Lichen |
| Pycnothelia papillaria | Gnome Fingers |
| Cladonia dactylota | Finger Cladonia |
| Cladonia phyllophora | Felt Clad Pyxie Lichen |
| Pilophorus cereolus | Powdered Matchstick Lichen |
| Pilophorus fibula | Appalachian Matchsticks |
Coccocarpiaceae | Coccocarpia erythroxyli | Fruiting Shell Lichen |
| Coccocarpia palmicola | Salted Shell Lichen |
| Coccocarpia pellita | a shell lichen |
Coenogoniaceae | Coenogonium pineti | Pine Dimple Lichen |
Collemataceae | Collema furfuraceum | Effervescent Tarpaper Lichen |
| Collema nigrescens | Broadleaf Blistered Jelly Lichen |
| Collema subflaccidum | Tree Jelly Lichen |
| Enchylium conglomeratum | Dotted Jelly Lichen |
| Leptogium austroamericanum | South American Jellyskin |
| Leptogium chloromelum | Ruffled Jellyskin |
| Leptogium corticola | Blistered Jellyskin Lichen |
| Leptogium cyanescens | Blue Jellyskin Lichen |
| Leptogium hirsutum | Hairy Jellyskin |
| Leptogium laceroides | jellyskin |
| Leptogium milligranum | Stretched Jellyskin |
| Scytinium dactylinum | Brown Button Jellyskin |
| Scytinium lichenoides | Tattered Jellyskin |
| Leptogium brebissonii | Jujube Jellyskin |
| Leptogium saturninum | Saturn Jellyskin |
| Leptogium burnetiae | Burnet's Skin Lichen |
Coniocybaceae | Chaenotricha obscura | Balsam Pin Lichen |
| Chaenotheca brunneola | Brown-headed Stubble Lichen |
| Chaenotheca furfuracea | Sulfur Stubble Lichen |
| Chaenotheca stemonea | Miner's Stubble Lichen |
Cordieritidaceae | Skyttea radiatilis | a lichenicolous fungus |
Cystocoleaceae | Cystocoleus ebeneus | Rock Hair Lichen, Velvet Lichen |
Dactyolpsporaceae | Sclerococcum glaucomarioides | Saucer Lichen Fungus |
| Sclerococcum lobariellum | Lung Lichen Button Fungus |
Fuscideaceae | Fuscidea arboricola | Arboreal Quilt Lichen |
| Fuscidea recensa var. arcuatula | a quilt lichen |
Gomphillaceae | Aulaxina quadrangula | Angle-ring Leaf-whiskers |
| Gomphillus americanus | American Gomphillus |
| Gomphillus calycioides | a gomphillus lichen |
| Gyalectidium appendiculatum | Hemlock Needle Leaf-lichen |
| Gyalideopsis moodyae | Moody's Gyalideopsis |
| Microxyphiomyces santessonii | Santesson's Tricharia |
Graphidaceae | Diploschistes muscorum | Cowpie Lichen |
| Diploschistes scruposus | crater lichen |
| Fissurina insidiosa | fissure lichen |
| Graphis scripta | Common Script Lichen |
| Leiorreuma sericeum | a script lichen |
| Nadvornikia sorediata | Nadvornik's Pale Dot Lichen |
| Phaeographis dendritica | Dendritic brown-spored lichen |
| Phaeographis inusta | Common Brown-spored Script Lichen |
| Thelotrema subtile | barnacle lichen |
| Graphis endoxantha | Fluted Script Lichen |
| Ocellularia africana | African Volcano Lichen |
Gyalectaceae | Gyalecta obesispora | a dimple lichen |
Helicogoniaceae | Gelatinopsis geoglossi | a gel fungus |
Hydnaceae | Multiclavula mucida | White Green-Algae Coral |
| Multiclavula constans | club mushroom fungus |
| Multiclavula pogonati | club mushroom fungus |
Hymeneliaceae | Ionaspis lacustris | Rusty Brook Lichen |
Icmadophilaceae | Dibaeis absoluta | Pink Dot Lichen |
| Dibaeis baeomyces | Pink Earth Lichen |
| Icmadophila ericetorum | Peppermint Drop Lichen |
Lecanographaceae | Alyxoria varia | Variable Scribble Lichen |
| Plectocarpon lichenum | Lung Lichen Parasite |
Lecanoraceae | Japewiella dollypartoniana | Dolly Parton Lichen |
| Lecanora allophana | Brown-eyed Rim Lichen |
| Lecanora appalachensis | Appalachian Rim Lichen |
| Lecanora argentata | rim lichen |
| Lecanora caesiorubella | Frosted Rim Lichen |
| Lecanora cenisia | Smoky Rim Lichen |
| Lecanora chlarotera | Brown Rim Lichen |
| Lecanora cinereofusca | Beaded Rim Lichen |
| Lecanora hybocarpa | Bumpy Rim Lichen |
| Lecanora impudens | rim lichen |
| Lecanora imshaugii | Imshaug's Rim Lichen |
| Lecanora insignis | rim lichen |
| Lecanora masana | Masa's Dots |
| Lecanora nothocaesiella | False Dust Lichen |
| Lecanora oreinoides | Sunken Rim Lichen |
| Lecanora pulicaris | Common Rim Lichen |
| Lecanora rugosella | Rugose Rim Lichen |
| Lecanora strobilina | Mealy Rim Lichen |
| Lecanora subimmergens | Subimmersed Rim Lichen |
| Lecanora symmicta | Fused Rim Lichen |
| Lecanora thysanophora | Mapledust Lichen |
| Lecanora varia | Greenish-yellow Rim Lichen |
| Lecanora wisconsinensis | Wisconsin Rim Lichen |
| Lecidella elaeochroma | Tree Disk Lichen |
| Lecidella euphorea | Bark Disk Lichen |
| Rhizoplaca subdiscrepans | Scattered Rock Posy |
| Xanthosyne varians | Variegated Dot Lichen |
| Vainionora americana | American Speck Lichen |
| Lecanora layana | Lay's Rim Lichen |
| Lecanora polytropa | Granite Speck Rim Lichen |
| Lecanora sachsiana | Sachs' Rim Lichen |
| Lecanora albella | White Rim Lichen |
| Lecanora protervula | Eastern Frosted Rim Lichen |
Lecideaceae | Bryobilimbia hypnorum | Mossy Dot Lichen |
| Porpidia albocaerulescens | Smoky-eyed Boulder Lichen |
| Porpidia crustulata | Concentric Boulder Lichen |
| Porpidia macrocarpa | Big-fruited Boulder Lichen |
| Lecidea atrobrunnea | Brown Tile Lichen |
| Lecidea tessellata | Mosaic Tile Lichen |
Leprocaulaceae | Halecania pepegospora | a dot lichen |
| Leprocaulon adhaerens | Sticky Dust Lichen |
Lichenoconiaceae | Abrothallus hypotrachynae | Loop Lichen Fungus |
| Abrothallus parmotrematis | Ruffle Lichen Fungus |
Lichenotheliaceae | Endococcus rugulosus | a lichenicolous fungus |
Lichinaceae | Ephebe americana | American Thread Lichen |
| Ephebe lanata | Waterside Rockshag Lichen |
| Ephebe solida | Solid Rockshag Lichen |
| Cryptothele granuliforme | Granular Cryptothele Lichen |
Megalosporaceae | Megalospora porphyritis | a megalospora lichen |
Megasporaceae | Circinaria caesiocinerea | sunken disk lichen |
| Aspicilia cinerea | Cinder Lichen |
Melaspileaceae | Melaspilea demissa | Little Brown Script |
Monoblastiaceae | Anisomeridium polypori | Many-pored Punch Lichen |
Mycocaliciaceae | Chaenothecopsis pusilla | stubble fungus |
| Mycocalicium albonigrum | stubble fungus |
| Mycocalicium subtile | Snag Stubble Fungus |
| Phaeocalicium polyporaeum | Polypore Stubble Fungus |
Mycoporaceae | Mycoporum antecellens | a mycoporum lichen |
| Mycoporum biseptatum | Forney Flecks |
Mycosphaerellaceae | Stigmidium fuscatae | Brown Acarospora Fungus |
| Stigmidium parvum | Rock Shag Lichen Fungus |
Ochrolechiaceae | Lepra amara | Bitter Wart Lichen |
| Lepra hypothamnolica | a fluff-wart lichen |
| Lepra multipunctoides | Dotted Fluff-wart Lichen |
| Lepra ophthalmiza | Ragged Wart Lichen |
| Lepra pustulata | Pustule Crust Lichen |
| Lepra trachythallina | Powdered Wart Lichen |
| Lepra waghornei | Waghorne's Fluff-wart Lichen |
| Ochrolechia arborea | Tree Saucer Lichen |
| Ochrolechia pseudopallescens | False Pallid Saucer Lichen |
| Ochrolechia tartarea | Tartar Saucer Lichen |
| Ochrolechia trochophora | Rosy Saucer Lichen |
| Ochrolechia yasudae | Coral Saucer Lichen |
| Varicellaria velata | Rimmed Wart Lichen |
Pannariaceae | Erioderma mollissimum | Vole Ears |
| Fuscopannaria ahlneri | Ahlner's Shingle Lichen |
| Fuscopannaria leucosticta | White-rimmed Shingle Lichen |
| Fuscopannaria sorediata | Granular Shingle Lichen |
| Pannaria conoplea | Mealy-rimmed Shingle Lichen |
| Pannaria lurida | Wrinkled Shingle Lichen |
| Pannaria rubiginosa | Brown-eyed Shingle Lichen |
| Pannaria subfusca | matted lichen |
| Pannaria tavaresii | Tavares' Matted Lichen |
| Parmeliella appalachensis | Appalachian Shingle Lichen |
| Parmeliella corallinoides | Coral Shingle Lichen |
| Parmeliella triptophylla | Black-bordered Shingle Lichen |
| Rockefellera crossophylla | Old Gray Crosslobes |
| Leptogidium dendriscum | Inland Wooly Bear Lichen |
Parmeliaceae | Ahtiana aurescens | Eastern Candlewax Lichen |
| Alectoria fallacina | Bubbling Witches Hair |
| Anzia colpodes | Black Fringe Foam Lichen |
| Anzia ornata | Ornate Foam Lichen |
| Bryoria bicolor | Electric Horsehair Lichen |
| Bryoria furcellata | Burred Horsehair Lichen |
| Bulbothrix laevigatula | Matted Eyelash Lichen |
| Canoparmelia caroliniana | Carolina Shield Lichen |
| Cetraria arenaria | Sand-loving Iceland Lichen |
| Cetrelia cetrarioides | Downside Sea-storm Lichen |
| Cetrelia chicitae | Chicita's Sea-storm Lichen |
| Cetrelia olivetorum | Olive Sea-storm Lichen |
| Crespoa crozalsiana | De Crozals' Shield Lichen |
| Flavoparmelia baltimorensis | Rock Greenshield Lichen |
| Flavoparmelia caperata | Common Greenshield Lichen |
| Flavopunctelia flaventior | Speckled Greenshield Lichen |
| Hypogymnia physodes | Monk's Hood Lichen |
| Hypogymnia tubulosa | Powder-headed Tube Lichen |
| Hypotrachyna afrorevoluta | Pustulate Revolute Loop Lichen |
| Hypotrachyna catawbiensis | Powder-tipped Antler Lichen |
| Hypotrachyna croceopustulata | Yellow-cored Loop Lichen |
| Hypotrachyna gondylophora | loop lichen |
| Hypotrachyna horrescens | Hairy-spined Shield Lichen |
| Hypotrachyna imbricatula | loop lichen |
| Hypotrachyna livida | Wrinkled Loop Lichen |
| Hypotrachyna minarum | Hairless-spined Shield Lichen |
| Hypotrachyna osseoalba | Grainy Loop Lichen |
| Hypotrachyna pseudosinuosa | loop lichen |
| Hypotrachyna pustulifera | Pustule Loop Lichen |
| Hypotrachyna revoluta | loop lichen |
| Hypotrachyna rockii | loop lichen |
| Hypotrachyna showmanii | Showman's Loop Lichen |
| Hypotrachyna taylorensis | Taylor's Loop Lichen |
| Imshaugia aleurites | Salted Starburst Lichen |
| Imshaugia placorodia | American Starburst Lichen |
| Melanelia stygia | Alpine Camouflage Lichen |
| Melanohalea halei | Appalachian Tree Camouflage Lichen |
| Menegazzia subsimilis | Tree Flute Lichen |
| Menegazzia terebrata | Port-hole Lichen |
| Myelochroa aurulenta | Powdery Axil-bristle Lichen |
| Myelochroa galbina | Smooth Axil-bristle Lichen |
| Parmelia saxatilis | Salted Shield Lichen |
| Parmelia squarrosa | Bottlebrush Shield Lichen |
| Parmelia sulcata | Hammered Shield Lichen |
| Parmotrema arnoldii | Arnold's Ruffle Lichen |
| Parmotrema austrosinense | Unwhiskered Ruffle Lichen |
| Parmotrema cetratum | ruffle lichen |
| Parmotrema crinitum | Salted Ruffle Lichen |
| Parmotrema diffractaicum | ruffle lichen |
| Parmotrema gardneri | Gardner's Ruffle Lichen |
| Parmotrema hypotropum | Powdered Ruffle Lichen |
| Parmotrema xanthinum | Yellow Ruffle Lichen |
| Parmotrema margaritatum | ruffle lichen |
| Parmotrema mellissii | Melliss' Ruffle Lichen |
| Parmotrema perforatum | Perforated Ruffle Lichen |
| Parmotrema perlatum | Powdered Ruffle Lichen |
| Parmotrema reticulatum | Reticulated Ruffle Lichen |
| Parmotrema simulans | ruffle lichen |
| Parmotrema stuppeum | Powder-Edged Ruffle Lichen |
| Parmotrema subisidiosum | Salted Ruffle Lichen |
| Parmotrema submarginale | Unperforated Ruffle Lichen |
| Parmotrema subsumptum | ruffle lichen |
| Parmotrema subtinctorium | Mottled Ruffle Lichen |
| Platismatia glauca | Varied Rag Lichen |
| Platismatia tuckermanii | Crumpled Rag Lichen |
| Pseudevernia cladonia | Ghost Antler Lichen |
| Pseudevernia consocians | Common Antler Lichen |
| Punctelia appalachensis | Appalachian Speckled Shield Lichen |
| Punctelia bolliana | Eastern Speckled ShieldLlichen |
| Punctelia borreri | speckled shield lichen |
| Punctelia caseana | Case's Speckled Shield Lichen |
| Punctelia missouriensis | Missouri Speckled Shield Lichen |
| Punctelia reddenda | Scottish Speckled Shield Lichen |
| Punctelia rudecta | Rough Speckled Shield Lichen |
| Tuckermanella fendleri | Dwarf Wrinkle Lichen |
| Tuckermannopsis americana | Fringed Wrinkle Lichen |
| Tuckermannopsis ciliaris | Fringed Wrinkle Lichen |
| Tuckermannopsis orbata | Variable Wrinkle Lichen |
| Usnea angulata | Old Man's Beard |
| Usnea brasiliensis | Brazil Beard Lichen |
| Usnea ceratina | Warty Beard Lichen |
| Usnea cirrosa | Sundew Beard Lichen |
| Usnea cornuta | Inflated Beard Lichen |
| Usnea dasaea | beard lichen |
| Usnea dasopoga | Fishbone Beard Lichen |
| Usnea endochrysea | Bushy Beard Lichen |
| Usnea fulvoreagens | Yellowing Beard Lichen |
| Usnea merrillii | Beaded Beard Lichen |
| Usnea rubicunda | Red Beard Lichen |
| Usnea strigosa | Bushy Beard Lichen |
| Usnea strigosa subsp. major | Big Bushy Beard Lichen |
| Usnea subfloridana | Nit Beard Lichen |
| Usnea subfusca | Bushy Beard Lichen |
| Usnea subgracilis | Silken Beard Lichen |
| Usnea subscabrosa | Horny Beard Llichen |
| Usnocetraria oakesiana | Yellow Ribbon Lichen |
| Xanthoparmelia angustiphylla | Meager Rock Shield Lichen |
| Xanthoparmelia conspersa | Peppered Rock Shield |
| Xanthoparmelia cumberlandia | Cumberland Rock-shield |
| Xanthoparmelia hypofusca | Lesser Rock Shield Lichen |
| Xanthoparmelia monticola | Mountain Rock-shield |
| Xanthoparmelia plittii | Plitt's Rock-shield |
| Xanthoparmelia stenophylla | Palomino Rock Shield Lichen |
| Xanthoparmelia viriduloumbrina | Shingled Rock Shield Lichen |
| Bryoria trichodes | Inelegant Horsehair Lichen |
| Bryoria nitidula | Tundra Horsehair Lichen |
| Hypotrachyna lividescens | loop lichen |
| Hypotrachyna britannica | British Loop Lichen |
| Hypotrachyna kauffmaniana | Kauffman's Loop Lichen |
| Hypotrachyna mcmulliniana | McMullin's Loop Lichen |
| Melanohalea exasperatula | Lustrous Camoflage Lichen |
| Usnea fragilescens | beard lichen |
| Usnea glabrescens | Spotted Beard Lichen |
| Usnea strigosa subsp. rubiginea | Ruby Bushy Beard Lichen |
| Usnea schadenbergiana | Silken Beard Lichen |
| Usnea subrubicunda | Bay of Fundy Beard Lichen |
| Xanthoparmelia mexicana | Mexican Rock-shield |
| Platismatia lacunosa | Crinkled Rag Lichen |
| Usnea florida | Witches' Whiskers Lichen |
Peltigeraceae | Crocodia aurata | Green Specklebelly Lichen |
| Dendriscocaulon intricatulum | Olive-thorn Lichen |
| Lobaria pulmonaria | Common Lungwort |
| Lobarina scrobiculata | Textured Lungwort |
| Nephroma helveticum | Fringed Kidney Lichen |
| Peltigera aphthosa | Common Freckle Pelt |
| Peltigera canina | Dog Lichen |
| Peltigera elisabethae | Concentric Pelt Lichen |
| Peltigera evansiana | Peppered Pelt Lichen |
| Peltigera horizontalis | Flat Fruit Pelt Lichen |
| Peltigera hydrothyria | Eastern Waterfan |
| Peltigera lepidophora | Scaly Pelt Lichen |
| Peltigera leucophlebia | Ruffled Freckle Pelt Lichen |
| Peltigera neopolydactyla | Carpet Pelt Lichen |
| Peltigera phyllidiosa | Phyllidiose Pelt Lichen |
| Peltigera polydactylon | Many-fingered Pelt Lichen |
| Peltigera praetextata | Scaly Dog Lichen |
| Peltigera rufescens | Rufous Pelt Lichen |
| Pseudocyphellaria citrina | Lemon Specklebelly Lichen |
| Pseudocyphellaria epiflavoides | Yellow-tipped Specklebelly Lichen |
| Pseudocyphellaria holarctica | Yellow Specklebelly Lichen |
| Pseudocyphellaria hawaiiensis | Gilded Specklebelly Lichen |
| Ricasolia quercizans | Smooth Lungwort |
| Sticta beauvoisii | Fingered Moon Lichen |
| Sticta carolinensis | Carolina Moon Lichen |
| Sticta fragilinata | Fragile Moon Lichen |
| Sticta fuliginosa | Peppered Moon Lichen |
Peltulaceae | Peltula tortuosa | Twisted Rock Olive |
Pertusariaceae | Pertusaria appalachensis | Appalachian Wart Lichen |
| Pertusaria epixantha | Yellow-tipped Wart Lichen |
| Pertusaria globularis | Ballhead Wart Lichen |
| Pertusaria macounii | Macoun's Wart Lichen |
| Pertusaria obruta | Buried Wart Lichen |
| Pertusaria ostiolata | Pore Wart Lichen |
| Pertusaria paratuberculifera | Spotted Wart Lichen |
| Pertusaria plittiana | Rock Wart Lichen |
| Pertusaria propinqua | wart lichen |
| Pertusaria pustulata | Pustulate Wart Lichen |
| Pertusaria rubefacta | wart lichen |
| Pertusaria subpertusa | Mesa Wart Lichen |
| Pertusaria texana | Texas Wart Lichen |
| Pertusaria superiana | Super's Wart Lichen |
Phlyctidaceae | Phlyctis boliviensis | Bark Whitewash Lichen |
| Phlyctis petraea | Rock Whitewash Lichen |
Physciaceae | Anaptychia palmulata | Shaggy Fringe Lichen |
| Polyblastidium casarettianum | a fringe lichen |
| Heterodermia crocea | Orange-bellied Fringe Lichen |
| Heterodermia echinata | Flowering Fringe Lichen |
| Heterodermia erecta | Erect Centipede Lichen |
| Heterodermia galactophylla | Branching Fringe Lichen |
| Heterodermia granulifera | Granular Fringe Lichen |
| Polyblastidium japonicum | Japanese Fringe Lichen |
| Polyblastidium neglectum | Neglected Fringe Lichen |
| Heterodermia obscurata | Orange-bellied Fringe Lichen |
| Heterodermia pseudospeciosa | fringe lichen |
| Heterodermia speciosa | Powdered Fringe Lichen |
| Heterodermia squamulosa | Scaly Fringe Lichen |
| Leucodermia appalachensis | Appalachian Fringe Lichen |
| Leucodermia leucomelos | Elegant Fringe Lichen |
| Phaeophyscia adiastola | Powder-tipped Shadow Lichen |
| Phaeophyscia hispidula | Whiskered Shadow Lichen |
| Phaeophyscia pusilloides | Pom Pom Shadow Lichen |
| Phaeophyscia rubropulchra | Orange-cored Shadow Lichen |
| Phaeophyscia squarrosa | Scaly Shadow Lichen |
| Physcia aipolia | Hoary Rosette Lichen |
| Physcia americana | Powdery Rosette Lichen |
| Physcia halei | Granite Rosette Lichen |
| Physcia millegrana | Mealy Rosette Lichen |
| Physcia phaea | Black-eyed Rosette Lichen |
| Physcia stellaris | Star Rosette Lichen |
| Physcia subtilis | Slender Rosette Lichen |
| Physcia thomsoniana | Thomson's Rosette Lichen |
| Physconia detersa | Bottlebrush Frost Lichen |
| Physconia enteroxantha | Yellow-edged Frost Lichen |
| Polyblastidium dendriticum | Branching Fringe Lichen |
| Polyblastidium hypoleucum | Cupped Fringe Lichen |
| Rinodina ascociscana | Scaly Pepper-spore Lichen |
| Rinodina brauniana | Braun's Pepper-spored Lichen |
| Rinodina brodoana | Brodo's Pepper-spored Lichen |
| Rinodina buckii | Buck's Pepper-spored Lichen |
| Rinodina bullata | Bullate Pepper-spored Lichen |
| Rinodina cana | a pepper-spored lichen |
| Rinodina chrysidiata | Golden Pepper-spored Lichen |
| Rinodina dolichospora | a pepper-spored lichen |
| Rinodina moziana | a pepper-spored lichen |
| Rinodina subminuta | Subminute Pepper-spore Lichen |
| Rinodina tenuis | Adirondack Pepper-spore Lichen |
| Heterodermia langdoniana | Langdon's Fringe Lichen |
| Physcia clementei | Clement's Rosette Lichen |
| Rinodina colobinoides | Colombian Pepper-spored Lichen |
| Rinodina papillata | Papillate Pepper-spore Lichen |
| Rinodina pyrina | a pepper-spored lichen |
Pilocarpaceae | Byssoloma leucoblepharum | a fuzzy rim lichen |
| Byssoloma subdiscordans | Rock Fussy Rim Lichen |
| Fellhanera bouteillei | Boiteille's Fellhanera |
| Fellhaneropsis myrtillicola | Myrtle Dot Lichen |
| Leimonis erratica | Erratic Dot Lichen |
| Micarea chlorosticta | dot lichen |
| Micarea endocyanea | Inner Blue Dot Lichen |
| Micarea melaena | a dot lichen |
| Micarea micrococca | Microdot Micarea Lichen |
| Micarea neostipitata | Stipitate Dot Lichen |
| Micarea peliocarpa | Shadow Dot Lichen |
| Micarea prasina | Green Dot Lichen |
| Micarea pycnidiophora | Pycnidiate Dot Lichen |
| Micarea leprosula | Leprose Dot Lichen |
| Schadonia saulskellyana | Mary Sauls Kelly's Dots |
| Calopadia puiggarii | Puiggar's Leaf Dot Lichen |
Placynthiaceae | Placynthium flabellosum | Scaly Ink Lichen |
| Placynthium nigrum | Blackthread Lichen |
Porinaceae | Porina heterospora | Southeastern Pimple Lichen |
| Porina scabrida | Scabrid Pimple Lichen |
| Pseudosagedia guentheri | Guenther's Bruise Lichen |
| Pseudosagedia isidiata | Isidiate Bruise Lichen |
| Segestria lectissima | a pyrenolichen |
Psoraceae | Brianaria bauschiana | Bausch's Dot Lichen |
Pycnoraceae | Pycnora praestabilis | Distinguished Clam Lichen |
Pyrenulaceae | Distopyrenis americana | American Pox Lichen |
| Lithothelium septemseptatum | Seven-septate Pox Lichen |
| Pyrenula caryae | Hickory Pox Lichen |
| Pyrenula laevigata | a pox lichen |
| Pyrenula leucostoma | White-spotted Pox Lichen |
| Pyrenula dermatodes | Skin Pox Lichen |
| Pyrenula micheneri | Michener's Pox Lichen |
| Pyrenula pseudobufonia | Eastern Pox Lichen |
| Pyrenula punctella | Beech Pox Lichen |
| Pyrenula ravenelii | Ravenel's Pox Lichen |
| Pyrenula balia | Santee Pox Lichen |
| Pyrenula subelliptica | Subelliptic Pox Lichen |
Racodiaceae | Racodium rupestre | Rock Hair Lichen |
Ramalinaceae | Bacidia diffracta | Diffracted Dotted Lichen |
| Bacidia ekmaniana | Ekman's Dotted Lichen |
| Bacidia schweinitzii | Surprise Lichen |
| Biatora appalachensis | Appalachian Dotted Lichen |
| Biatora longispora | Long-spored Dotted Lichen |
| Biatora pontica | Black Sea Dot Lichen |
| Biatora vernalis | Spring Dotted Lichen |
| Bilimbia sabuletorum | Six-celled Moss Dot Lichen |
| Catinaria atropurpurea | a dot lichen |
| Megalaria laureri | Laurer's Megalaria |
| Phyllopsora confusa | Confused Lace-Scale Lichen |
| Phyllopsora corallina | Coralloid Lace-Scale Lichen |
| Ramalina americana | Sinewed Bush Lichen |
| Ramalina culbersoniorum | Southern Cartilage Lichen |
| Ramalina petrina | Appalachian Trail Lichen |
| Bacidia sorediata | Sorediate Dotted Lichen |
| Phyllopsora kalbii | Kalb's Lace-scale |
| Bacidina apiahica | a leaf dot lichen |
Ramboldiaceae | Ramboldia blochiana | Bloch's Crimson Dot Lichen |
| Ramboldia russula | Southern Crimson Dot Lichen |
Rhizocarpaceae | Rhizocarpon grande | Large Map Lichen |
| Rhizocarpon infernulum f. sylvaticum | Smooth Brown Map Lichen |
| Rhizocarpon subgeminatum | a map lichen |
Ropalosporaceae | Ropalospora chlorantha | Comet-spored Lichen |
| Ropalospora viridis | Green Comet-spored Lichen |
Sarrameanaceae | Chicitaea confusa | Confused Chicita Lichen |
| Loxospora elatina | Fluffy Ragged-Rim Lichen |
Scoliciosporaceae | Scoliciosporum chlorococcum | City Dot Lichen |
Squamarinaceae | Herteliana schuyleriana | Schuyler's Herteliana |
Stereocaulaceae | Lepraria cryophila | Cold-loving Dust Lichen |
| Lepraria finkii | Fluffy Dust Lichen |
| Lepraria harrisiana | Harris' Dust Lichen |
| Lepraria neglecta | Zoned Dust Lichen |
| Lepraria normandinoides | Elf-ear Dust Lichen |
| Lepraria oxybapha | Lesser Lichen Vulgaris |
| Lepraria vouauxii | dust lichen |
| Lepraria xanthonica | Yellow Dust Lichen |
| Stereocaulon dactylophyllum | Finger-scale Foam Lichen |
| Stereocaulon pileatum | Pixie Foam Lichen |
| Stereocaulon tennesseense | Bony Foam Lichen |
| Stereocaulon tennesseense var. nigrofastigiatum | Dense Bony Foam Lichen |
| Xyleborus sporodochifer | Wood Dot Lichen |
Stictidaceae | Absconditella delutula | an absconditella lichen |
| Thelopsis corticola | Orange Dust Lichen |
| Stictis urceolatum | Can of Worms Lichen |
| Thelopsis rubella | Rufous Thelopsis |
Strigulaceae | Dichoporis tenuis | a pyrenolichen |
| Swinscowia stigmatella | a pyrenolichen |
| Swinscowia laceribracae | a pyrenolichen |
Teloschistaceae | Lendemeriella reptans | Creeping Lendemer's Lichen |
| Gyalolechia flavovirescens | Sulfur Firedot |
| Solitaria chrysophthalma | Golden Firedot Lichen |
| Xanthomendoza fallax | Hooded Sunburst Lichen |
Tephromelataceae | Mycoblastus caesius | Light Blue Blood Lichen |
| Tephromela atra | Black-eye Lichen |
| Mycoblastus sanguinarius | Bloody Heart Lichen |
| Violella fucata | Inner Violet Lichen |
Thelenellaceae | Thelenella muscorum | Moss Thelenella |
Trapeliaceae | Placynthiella icmalea | Stiff Tar-spot Lichen |
| Placynthiella uliginosa | Pear Tar-spot Lichen |
| Trapelia coarctata | Arctic Pebble Lichen |
| Trapelia glebulosa | Radiate Pebble Lichen |
| Trapelia placodioides | Cracked Paint Lichen |
| Trapelia stipitata | Stipitate Pebble Lichen |
| Trapeliopsis flexuosa | Fence-rail Lichen |
| Trapeliopsis gelatinosa | a mottled disk lichen |
| Trapeliopsis granulosa | Granular Mottled-Disk Lichen |
| Trapeliopsis viridescens | Green Mottled-disk Lichen |
| Rimularia badioatra | Beaded Rimularia |
Tremellaceae | Tremella cladoniae | Cladonia Jelly Fungus |
| Tremella flavoparmeliae | Greenshield Lichen Fungus |
Trypetheliaceae | Arthopyrenia degelii | Degelius' Pimple Lichen |
| Arthopyrenia fallaciosa | White Pyrenofungus |
| Nigrovothelium tropicum | Peppercorn Lichen |
| Viridothelium virens | Speckled Blister Lichen |
Umbilicariaceae | Umbilicaria papulosa | Common Toadskin |
| Umbilicaria pensylvanica | Pennsylvania Toadskin |
| Umbilicaria pustulata | Blistered Toadskin |
| Umbilicaria americana | frosted rock tripe |
| Umbilicaria mammulata | Smooth Rock Tripe |
| Umbilicaria muhlenbergii | Muhlenberg's Rock Tripe |
Uncertain | Biatoropsis usnearum | a beard lichen fungus |
| Botryolepraria lesdainii | False Dust Lichen |
Verrucariaceae | Dermatocarpon arenosaxi | Thin Stipple Lichen |
| Dermatocarpon intestiniforme | Quilted Stippleback Lichen |
| Dermatocarpon luridum | Streamside Stippleback Lichen |
| Dermatocarpon miniatum | Lesser Stippleback Lichen |
| Flakea papillata | The Thing |
| Normandina pulchella | Elf-eared Lichen |
| Placidium arboreum | Tree Stipplescale |
| Verrucaria calkinsiana | Calkins' Speck Lichen |
| Verrucaria phloeophila | Phloem-loving Speck Lichen |
Xylographaceae | Lambiella caeca | Lamb's Lichen |