Lichens of North Carolina
    1 records for Acarospora tuckerae Tucker's Cobblestone Lichen
db idchecklist numbersciNameregioncountycounty splitsitedatenumbermethodhabitatlatloncollectorreferencevetting levelphotographspecimenvouchercommentsparkvetted byobsTypespeciessourcevarietysubsp
386310.00Acarospora tuckeraePiedmontGastonCrowders Mountain1883-00-00MSUNKNJ.W. EckfeldtK. Knudsen 2007: Acarospora. - In: T. H. Nash, III, C. Gries and F. Bungartz: Lichen Flora of the Greater Sonoran Desert Region. Volume 3. Lichens Unlimited, Arizona State University, Tempe, pp. 1-38.TRUETRUESpecimen in PH cited; in CNALH (PH PH00045370) labeled as A. citrina.Perlmutter1LiteratureAcarospora tuckerae K. KnudsenL