Lichens of North Carolina
    2 records for Synarthonia hodgesii Hodges' Comma Lichen
db idchecklist numbersciNameregioncountycounty splitsitedatenumbermethodhabitatlatloncollectorreferencevetting levelphotographspecimenvouchercommentsparkvetted byobsTypespeciessourcevarietysubsp
32771002.00Synarthonia hodgesiiCoastal PlainDare2016-01-01Lendemer, J.C./ Harris, R.C./ Ruiz, A.M. 2016: A review of the lichens of the Dare Regional Biodiversity Hotspot in the Mid-Atlantic Coastal Plain of North Carolina, eastern North America. - Castanea 81(1): 1-77.Perlmutter1LiteratureSynarthonia hodgesii (Lendemer & R.C. Harris) Van den Broeck & Ertz
44691002.00Synarthonia hodgesiiLow MountainsGraham2016-03-15Perlmutter1Specimen Record in CNALHSynarthonia hodgesii (Lendemer & R.C. Harris) Van den Broeck & ErtzX