Lichens of North Carolina
    8 records for Agonimia opuntiella Spiny Agonimia Lichen
db idchecklist numbersciNameregioncountycounty splitsitedatenumbermethodhabitatlatloncollectorreferencevetting levelphotographspecimenvouchercommentsparkvetted byobsTypespeciessourcevarietysubsp
156413.00Agonimia opuntiellaCoastal PlainCamden2013-01-01Lendemer, J.C., R.C. Harris and E.A. Tripp. 2013. The Lichens and Allied Fungi of Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden 104.Perlmutter1LiteratureAgonimia opuntiella (Buschardt & Poelt) VezdaL
173913.00Agonimia opuntiellaCoastal PlainCarteret2013-10-24Perlmutter1Specimen Record in CNALHAgonimia opuntiella (Buschardt & Poelt) VezdaX
225913.00Agonimia opuntiellaLow MountainsClay2013-01-01Lendemer, J.C., R.C. Harris and E.A. Tripp. 2013. The Lichens and Allied Fungi of Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden 104.rnPerlmutter1LiteratureAgonimia opuntiella (Buschardt & Poelt) VezdaL
256413.00Agonimia opuntiellaCoastal PlainColumbus2013-11-18Perlmutter1Specimen Record in CNALHAgonimia opuntiella (Buschardt & Poelt) VezdaX
393613.00Agonimia opuntiellaCoastal PlainGates2013-01-01Lendemer, J.C., R.C. Harris and E.A. Tripp. 2013. The Lichens and Allied Fungi of Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden 104.rnPerlmutter1LiteratureAgonimia opuntiella (Buschardt & Poelt) VezdaL
560813.00Agonimia opuntiellaCoastal PlainHyde2014-03-24Perlmutter1Specimen Record in CNALHAgonimia opuntiella (Buschardt & Poelt) VezdaX
579913.00Agonimia opuntiellaJackson2013-01-01Lendemer, J.C., R.C. Harris and E.A. Tripp. 2013. The Lichens and Allied Fungi of Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden 104.Perlmutter1LiteratureAgonimia opuntiella (Buschardt & Poelt) VezdaL
1441513.00Agonimia opuntiellaLow MountainsSwainGreat Smoky Mountains National Park,2021-05-061MSOROB-A35.4696-83.4920Jason Hollinger3TRUETRUEHollinger #25517 (NY); unusual hypertrophic form but this is James's best guessHollinger0Herbarium specimen