Lichens of North Carolina
    2 records for Fellhanera subtilis Delicate Fellhanera
db idchecklist numbersciNameregioncountycounty splitsitedatenumbermethodhabitatlatloncollectorreferencevetting levelphotographspecimenvouchercommentsparkvetted byobsTypespeciessourcevarietysubsp
146031650.00Fellhanera subtilisHigh MountainsHaywoodGreat Smoky Mountains National Park2020-07-06DSD,MSUNKNJames C. LendemerLendemer, J.C. 2023: Studies in Lichens and Lichenicolous Fungi – No. 23: Notes on Appalachian taxa including newly reported disjunctions and multiple species new to North America. Opuscula Philolichenum 22: 81-97.3FALSETRUETRUEPerlmutter1Literature
146021650.00Fellhanera subtilisHigh MountainsMitchellPisgah National Forest2020-07-28DSD,MSUNKNJames C. LendemerLendemer, J.C. 2023: Studies in Lichens and Lichenicolous Fungi – No. 23: Notes on Appalachian taxa including newly reported disjunctions and multiple species new to North America. Opuscula Philolichenum 22: 81-97.3FALSETRUETRUEOn Abies branchPerlmutter1Literature