6 records for Ionaspis alba White Ionaspis
db id | checklist number | sciName | region | county | county split | site | date | number | method | habitat | lat | lon | collector | reference | vetting level | photograph | specimen | voucher | comments | park | vetted by | obsType | species | source | variety | subsp |
7596 | 429.00 | Ionaspis alba | Piedmont | Montgomery | 2008-04-19 | Perlmutter, G.B. 2009. Contributions to the lichen flora of North Carolina: a preliminary checklist of the lichens of the Uwharrie Mountains. Opuscula Philolichenum 6: 65-72. | Perlmutter1 | Literature | Ionaspis alba Lutzoni | |||||||||||||||||
8033 | 429.00 | Ionaspis alba | Piedmont | Orange | 2009-05-10 | Perlmutter, G.B. 2009. Lichens of Johnston Mill Nature Preserve, a preliminary checklist. Native Plant News: Newsletter of the N.C. Native Plant Society 7(4): 12-15. | Perlmutter1 | Literature | Ionaspis alba Lutzoni | |||||||||||||||||
13643 | 429.00 | Ionaspis alba | Piedmont | Orange | Hollow Rock Nature Park | 2022-04-22 | DSD,MS | WTHW-BRW | 35.980077 | -78.99828 | Gary Perlmutter | New Hope Creek Biodiversity Survey, 2021-22 | 3 | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | Perlmutter1 | Specimen Record in CNALH | ||||||||
9698 | 429.00 | Ionaspis alba | High Mountains | Swain | 2015-05-05 | Perlmutter1 | Specimen Record in CNALH | Ionaspis alba Lutzoni | ||||||||||||||||||
10210 | 429.00 | Ionaspis alba | Low Mountains | Transylvania | 2005-08-11 | Lendemer, J.C. and E.A. Tripp. 2008. Contributions to the lichen flora of North Carolina: a preliminary checklist of the lichens of Gorges State Park. The Bryologist 111(1): 57-67. | Perlmutter1 | Literature | Ionaspis alba Lutzoni | |||||||||||||||||
10792 | 429.00 | Ionaspis alba | Piedmont | Wake | 2010-04-17 | Perlmutter, G.B. 2013. Lichen biotic inventory of Turnipseed Preserve, North Carolina, USA. Evanisa 30(2): 57-68. | Perlmutter1 | Literature | Ionaspis alba Lutzoni |