Lichens of North Carolina
    4 records for Bachmanniomyces punctum a lichenicolous fungus
db idchecklist numbersciNameregioncountycounty splitsitedatenumbermethodhabitatlatloncollectorreferencevetting levelphotographspecimenvouchercommentsparkvetted byobsTypespeciessourcevarietysubsp
5126774.00Bachmanniomyces punctumLow MountainsHaywood2009-08-04Perlmutter1Specimen Record in CNALH*Phaeopyxis punctum (A. Massal.) Rambold, Triebel & Coppins
7492774.00Bachmanniomyces punctumHigh MountainsMitchell1993-00-00Diederich, P. 2003. New species and new records of American lichenicolous fungi. Herzogia 16: 41-90.Perlmutter1Literature*Phaeopyxis punctum (A. Massal.) Rambold, Triebel & Coppins
14385774.00Bachmanniomyces punctumLow MountainsSwainGreat Smoky Mountains National Park,2022-04-221MSYSGH35.4697-83.5611Jason Hollinger3TRUETRUEHollinger #26928 (NY; filed under Pycnothelia papillaria); lichenicolous on Cladonia sp.Hollinger0Herbarium specimen
11736774.00Bachmanniomyces punctumHigh MountainsYancey2014-10-02Lendemer, J.C./ Anderson Stewart, C.R./ Besal, B./ Goldsmith, J./ Griffith, H./ Hoffman, J.R./ Kraus, B./ LaPoint, P./ Li, L./ Muscavitch, Z./ Schultz, J./ Schultz, R./ Allen, J.L. 2017: The lichens and allied fungi of Mount Mitchell State Park, North Carolina: A first checklist with comprehensive Keys and comparison to historical data. - Castanea 82(2): 69-97. Perlmutter1Literature*Phaeopyxis punctum (A. Massal.) Rambold, Triebel & Coppins