22 records for Phlyctis petraea Rock Whitewash Lichen
db id | checklist number | sciName | region | county | county split | site | date | number | method | habitat | lat | lon | collector | reference | vetting level | photograph | specimen | voucher | comments | park | vetted by | obsType | species | source | variety | subsp |
13918 | 777.00 | Phlyctis petraea | Piedmont | Alamance | Cane Creek Mountains Natural Area | 2022-11-25 | DSD | DRHF | 35.954253 | -79.420104 | Gary Perlmutter | 2 | TRUE | FALSE | FALSE | Perlmutter1 | 01_Photo | |||||||||
14242 | 777.00 | Phlyctis petraea | Piedmont | Anson | Millseat Outcrop | 2023-04-11 | DSD,MS | MEHS | 34.935085 | -80.064585 | Gary Perlmutter, Jame Amoroso, Blanka Aguero, Becky Dill & Scott Pohlman | 3 | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | Perlmutter1 | Specimen Record in CNALH | |||||||||
574 | 777.00 | Phlyctis petraea | High Mountains | Avery | 1936-00-00 | Perlmutter1 | Specimen Record in CNALH | Phlyctis petraea R.C. Harris | ||||||||||||||||||
13787 | 777.00 | Phlyctis petraea | Low Mountains | Burke | Pisgah National Forest | 2019-05-00 | OROB-A | Harrison, G.R., Boggess, L.M., Budke, J.M. & Madritch, M.D. (2022) Rock-climbing shifts cliff-face vegetation community composition based on site characteristics. Applied Vegetation Science, 25, e12667 | 3 | Perlmutter1 | Literature | |||||||||||||||
13082 | 777.00 | Phlyctis petraea | Piedmont | Chatham | Haw River | 2020-11-08 | WTHW-BRW | David Heavner | 2 | LOHA | Perlmutter1 | 01_Photo | ||||||||||||||
15120 | 777.00 | Phlyctis petraea | Piedmont | Chatham | White Pines Nature Preserve | 2024-06-16 | DSD,MS | WTHW-BRW,OROB-A | 35.6188 | -79.1579 | Jason Hollinger | White Pines Biodiversity Survey | 3 | FALSE | TRUE | TRUE | Perlmutter1 | Herbarium specimen | ||||||||
2443 | 777.00 | Phlyctis petraea | High Mountains | Clay | 2016-06-24 | Muscavitch, Z.M./ Lendemer, J.C./ Harris, R.C. 2017: A review of the lichen genus Phlyctis in North America (Phlyctidaceae) including the description of a new widespread saxicolous species from eastern North America. - The Bryologist 120(4): 388-417. | Perlmutter1 | Literature | Phlyctis petraea R.C. Harris | |||||||||||||||||
3783 | 777.00 | Phlyctis petraea | Piedmont | Forsyth | 1940-06-01 | Perlmutter1 | Specimen Record in CNALH | Phlyctis petraea R.C. Harris | ||||||||||||||||||
4398 | 777.00 | Phlyctis petraea | High Mountains | Graham | 2015-06-19 | Muscavitch, Z.M./ Lendemer, J.C./ Harris, R.C. 2017: A review of the lichen genus Phlyctis in North America (Phlyctidaceae) including the description of a new widespread saxicolous species from eastern North America. - The Bryologist 120(4): 388-417. | Perlmutter1 | Literature | Phlyctis petraea R.C. Harris | |||||||||||||||||
12848 | 777.00 | Phlyctis petraea | Piedmont | Granville | 2019-12-19 | MEHS | Gary Perlmutter | 3 | Perlmutter1 | Specimen Record in CNALH | ||||||||||||||||
5129 | 777.00 | Phlyctis petraea | Low Mountains | Haywood | 2016-07-10 | Muscavitch, Z.M./ Lendemer, J.C./ Harris, R.C. 2017: A review of the lichen genus Phlyctis in North America (Phlyctidaceae) including the description of a new widespread saxicolous species from eastern North America. - The Bryologist 120(4): 388-417. | Perlmutter1 | Literature | Phlyctis petraea R.C. Harris | |||||||||||||||||
5435 | 777.00 | Phlyctis petraea | Low Mountains | Henderson | 2006-04-30 | Perlmutter1 | Specimen Record in CNALH | Phlyctis petraea R.C. Harris | ||||||||||||||||||
14786 | 777.00 | Phlyctis petraea | Piedmont | Iredell | Lake Norman State Park | 2023-11-20 | 50 | DSD | MEHS | 35.6689 | -80.9324 | Jason Hollinger | 3 | TRUE | LANO | Hollinger0 | Herbarium specimen | |||||||||
6921 | 777.00 | Phlyctis petraea | High Mountains | Macon | 2016-12-07 | Perlmutter1 | Specimen Record in CNALH | Phlyctis petraea R.C. Harris | ||||||||||||||||||
14451 | 777.00 | Phlyctis petraea | High Mountains | Madison | Green Ridge Knob | 2020-08-07 | MS | HEHF | 36.0454 | -82.6203 | Jason Hollinger | 3 | TRUE | TRUE | Hollinger #24171 (NY) | Hollinger0 | Herbarium specimen | |||||||||
7493 | 777.00 | Phlyctis petraea | High Mountains | Mitchell | 1993-09-25 | Perlmutter1 | Specimen Record in CNALH | Phlyctis petraea R.C. Harris | ||||||||||||||||||
8130 | 777.00 | Phlyctis petraea | Piedmont | Orange | 2009-05-10 | Perlmutter, G.B. 2009. Lichens of Johnston Mill Nature Preserve, a preliminary checklist. Native Plant News: Newsletter of the N.C. Native Plant Society 7(4): 12-15. | Perlmutter1 | Literature | Phlyctis petraea R.C. Harris | |||||||||||||||||
13584 | 777.00 | Phlyctis petraea | Piedmont | Orange | Hollow Rock Nature Park | 2022-03-19 | WTHW-BRW | 35.978129 | -79.000084 | Gary Perlmutter | New Hope Creek Biodiversity Survey, 2021-22 | 2 | FALSE | Perlmutter1 | 01_Photo | |||||||||||
9897 | 777.00 | Phlyctis petraea | High Mountains | Swain | 2012-10-15 | Perlmutter1 | Specimen Record in CNALH | Phlyctis petraea R.C. Harris | ||||||||||||||||||
13414 | 777.00 | Phlyctis petraea | Piedmont | Wake | 2005-02-12 | DSD | OROB-A | Gary Perlmutter | Perlmutter, G.B. 2022: Lichens and allied fungi of Mitchell Mill State Natural Area, North Carolina, USA. - Evansia 39(1): 43-53. | 3 | FALSE | TRUE | TRUE | MIMI | Perlmutter1 | Literature | ||||||||||
10904 | 777.00 | Phlyctis petraea | Piedmont | Wake | 2009-07-11 | Perlmutter, G.B. 2013. Lichen biotic inventory of Turnipseed Preserve, North Carolina, USA. Evanisa 30(2): 57-68. | Perlmutter1 | Literature | Phlyctis petraea R.C. Harris | |||||||||||||||||
11738 | 777.00 | Phlyctis petraea | High Mountains | Yancey | 2016-06-28 | Muscavitch, Z.M./ Lendemer, J.C./ Harris, R.C. 2017: A review of the lichen genus Phlyctis in North America (Phlyctidaceae) including the description of a new widespread saxicolous species from eastern North America. - The Bryologist 120(4): 388-417. | Perlmutter1 | Literature | Phlyctis petraea R.C. Harris |