Moths of North Carolina
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5 NC Records

Ostrinia multispinosa Yang, 2021 - No Common Name

Ostrinia multispinosa
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P3 Number:
MONA Number:
Comments: This genus was recently revised by Yang et al. (2021), with fifteen species now described worldwide. Four species occur in North America, and all occur in North Carolina. As described by Yang et al. (2021), Ostrinia multispinosa is included in their Clade I, the 'Obumbratalis Species Group'. In North Carolina, this group also includes O. obumbratalis.
Species Status: This species was described by Yang et al. (2021) in a phylogentic revision of this genus. The type locality is in Florida, but two specimens that were collected by J.B. Sullivan in North Carolina were included as paratypes (one pictured above).
Field Guide Descriptions: Online Resources: MPG, BugGuide, iNaturalist, Google, BAMONA, GBIF, BOLDTechnical Description, Adults: Yang et al. (2021)                                                                                 
Adult Markings: As described by Yang et al. (2021), O. multispinosa is very similar to O. obumbratalis in external appearance, but the forewing transverse markings and dentate subterminal band are somewhat less defined. The head, thorax, and ground color of the forewing is yellowish buff. The base of the forewing is fuscous but the costa and spots are fulvous. The hindwings are also buff (Yang et al., 2021). Specimens of this and other Ostrinia are often worn and genitalia or barcoding are recommended for any specimens collected along the coast. This species is only known from two coastal counties in North Carolina, while the only records that we have for O. obumbratalis are from the Piedmont and Blue Ridge.
Forewing Length: 12.09 ± 0.45 mm (n = 2), males; 10.71 ± 0.23 mm (n = 2), females (Yang et al., 2021)
Adult Structural Features: The male and female reproductive structures are diagnostic and are described and illustrated in Yang et al. (2021). The main differences are in the male genitalia: in O. multispinosa, the uncus is apically truncated, the sacculus has four spines, and the length ratio of spined to unspined saccular areas is ca. 1.0. Iin O. obumbratalis, the uncus is rounded, the sacculus has 1–3 spines, and ratio of spined to unspined saccular areas is less than 1.0.
Immatures and Development: The larval life history is undocumented.
Distribution in North Carolina
Distribution: Ostrinia multispinosa appears to be a rare species with only a few known specimens from coastal North Carolina and northeastern Florida. As of 2023, we have only five specimens from North Carolina, with four from Craven County.
County Map: Clicking on a county returns the records for the species in that county.
Ostrinia multispinosa
Flight Dates:
 High Mountains (HM) ≥ 4,000 ft.
 Low Mountains (LM) < 4,000 ft.
 Piedmont (Pd)
 Coastal Plain (CP)

Click on graph to enlarge
Flight Comments: As of 2023, our records extend from early May through late-August. The two Florida specimens reported by Yang et al. (2021) were collected in mid-June.
Habitats and Life History
Habitats: As described by Yang et al. (2021), this species may occur primarily in scrub and coastal forest based on its distributional range.
Larval Host Plants: The larval host plants are undocumented. - View
Observation Methods: The adults are attracted to lights.
Status in North Carolina
Natural Heritage Program Status:
Natural Heritage Program Ranks: [GNR] S1S3
State Protection:
Comments: This is an apparently rare species with fewer than 10 specimens known throughout the range of the species.

 Photo Gallery for Ostrinia multispinosa - None

Photos: 2

Recorded by: J.B. Sullivan on 2005-08-31
Craven Co.
Recorded by: J.B. Sullivan on 2005-05-07
Craven Co.