Habitat Code | Habitat Group | Name | Description |
CYSW | Coastal Plain Inland Habitats | Cypress Swamps | Seasonally or permanently flooded swamps dominated by Cypresses, either Bald Cypress (Taxodium distichum) or Pond Cypress (T. ascendens); includes both floodplain swamps and non-riverine swamps associated with wet flats in the Outer Coastal Plain; also includes Carolina Bays that have Cypress forming a usually open canopy |
LLSF | Coastal Plain Inland Habitats | Longleaf Pine Savannas and Flatwoods | Frequently burned sandy flats in the Coastal Plain dominated by Longleaf Pines (Pinus palustris) in the canopy and usually with expanses of wiregrass, heaths, and other fire-tolerant herbs and shrubs in the ground-layers; savannas are fairly wet and support a rich diversity of herbaceous species; shrubs are more dominant in flatwoods (which in some cases represent fire-suppressed savannas) |
PLND | Coastal Plain Inland Habitats | Peatlands | Coastal wetlands associated with permanently saturated, acidic, nutrient-poor peatland soils; vegetation is characterized by dense thickets of heaths, hollies, and other acid-loving shrubs; where these shrubs occur by themselves, the habitats are termed pocosins; canopies of Pond Pines, hardwood Bays, or Cypress may also present; includes Hillside Seepage Bogs in the Piedmont and Sandhill Seeps in the Fall-line Sandhills |
SNDH | Coastal Plain Inland Habitats | Dry-xeric Sandhills | Well-drained sandy uplands with an open canopy of Longleaf Pines and Turkey Oak (Quercus laevis) and other species of xerophytic oaks; found in small areas of relict dunes in the Outer Coastal Plain but cover large areas in the Fall-line Sandhills (fire-suppressed examples, where a closed canopy dominated by hardwoods exist are treated under Dry Hardwood Slopes and Ridges) |
ALRN | Human Altered Habitats | Artificially Landscaped Residential Neighborhoods | Residential neighborhoods that have been heavily landscaped with non-native lawn species and other exotic ornamental plants |
CDUA | Human Altered Habitats | Cities and other Densely Urbanized Areas | City-scapes composed primarily of dense buildings and extensively paved areas; natural vegetation (primarily weedy species) is confined to \"waste areas\" or small, relatively isolated parks and gardens |
CLND | Human Altered Habitats | Croplands | Farmlands under active cultivation |
CPGA | Human Altered Habitats | City Park, Garden, or Arboretum | City Park, Garden, or Arboretum |
OLFI | Human Altered Habitats | Old Fields | Abandoned farmland and regenerating clear-cuts dominated by a mixture of weedy herbaceous species and early successional trees and shrubs |
PPLN | Human Altered Habitats | Pine Plantations | Tree plantations composed of Loblolly Pines (Pinus taeda) or other species of pines |
PSNG | Human Altered Habitats | Pastures and other Semi-natural Grasslands | Pastures and other semi-natural grasslands especially containing populations of Broom-sedge (Andropogon virginicus) and other native grasses |
SWRN | Human Altered Habitats | Semi-wooded Residential Neighborhoods | Residential neighborhoods that retain at least some cover of native tree species, including along the drainage-ways running through the neighborhood |
YSGH | Human Altered Habitats | Young Second-growth Hardwoods | Abandoned farmland and cut-over areas that have succeeded beyond the herbaceous, old-field stage and now support dense stands of early successional hardwoods |
BPSW | Riparian and Shoreline Habitats | Beaver Ponds and Other Shallow Impoundments | Open pond habitats naturally created by beavers but also including man-made ponds where natural vegetation has been allowed to develop; vegetation includes emergent and floating plants associated with the ponds themselves as well as hummocks of sedges and other herbaceous species that develop as the ponds begin to fill in with sediments |
CABR | Riparian and Shoreline Habitats | Canebrakes | Dense thickets of cane, growing either by themselves (true Canebrakes) or under a canopy composed of various types of trees |
FSPR | Riparian and Shoreline Habitats | Forest Seeps and Springs | Herb-dominated wetlands located as patches within bottomland hardwoods, usually at the base of steep slopes but often extending out into the floodplain |
FWMA | Riparian and Shoreline Habitats | Freshwater Marshes | Wetland habitats associated with freshwater rivers, streams, and lakes; vegetation consists primarily of cattails, tall grasses and sedges, and other herbaceous plants tolerant of deep or prolonged flooding |
SWAT | Riparian and Shoreline Habitats | Shoreline Willow and Alder Thickets | Thickets of willows (Salix sp.), alders (Alnus sp.), and other shrubs associated with the shorelines of rivers, lakes, ponds, and estuaries |
WTHW | Riparian and Shoreline Habitats | Floodplain and Non-riverine Wet Hardwoods -- Generic | Frequently or occasionally flooded forests dominated by hardwood trees; used when the substrate (Acidic or Basic) is not known |
WTHW-BLW | Riparian and Shoreline Habitats | Floodplain and Non-riverine Wet Hardwoods -- Blackwater | Frequently or occasionally flooded forests dominated by hardwood trees; usually associated with floodplains of blackwater rivers and streams in the Coastal Plain but also including the floodplains of brownwater rivers in the Coastal Plain, i.e., the Roanoke, Tar, Neuse, and Cape Fear, all of which originate in the Piedmont or Mountains. But also found on wet flats with mineral (i.e., non-peatland) soils in the Outer Coastal Plain |
WTHW-BRW | Riparian and Shoreline Habitats | Floodplain and Non-riverine Wet Hardwoods -- Brownwater | Frequently or occasionally flooded forests dominated by hardwood trees; usually associated with floodplains of Piedmont rivers and streams but also including the floodplains of brownwater rivers in the Coastal Plain, i.e., the Roanoke, Tar, Neuse, and Cape Fear, all of which originate in the Piedmont or Mountains. Also includes forested examples of upland depressions. |
CDGS | Tidewater Habitats | Coastal Dune Grasslands and Scrub | Open grasslands and shrub thickets associated with sand dunes on barrier islands; includes the fore-dunes dominated by Sea Oats and American Beach Grass as well as more diverse grassland and shrubland habitats located in the dune fields behind the barrier dunes |
MARF | Tidewater Habitats | Maritime Forests | Forests dominated by Live Oak (Quercus virginiana) growing on barrier islands and areas on the mainland that border sounds or estuaries |
SLTM | Tidewater Habitats | Saltwater Marshes and Flats | Tidal wetlands along the edges of coastal sounds and estuaries; dominated by salt-tolerant grasses and other herbaceous species; also includes less frequently flooded flats supporting thickets of Red Cedars and other salt-tolerant shrubs and herbs |
BDRHF | Upland Habitats | Basic Dry Hardwood Slopes and Ridges | Dry Hardwood forests growing on basic substrates and supporting stands of trees and shrubs requiring soils with a high nutrient content and high pH. |
BHEHF | Upland Habitats | Basic High Elevation Hardwood Forests | High elevation hardwood forests growing on basic substrates (e.g., Amphibolite) and supporting a high diversity of herbs, shrubs, and trees requiring soils with high nutrient content and high pH |
BMEHS | Upland Habitats | Basic-Mesic Hardwood Slopes | Mesic forests growing on basic substrates and supporting a high diversity of spring wildflowers and other species of plants requiring soils with a high nutrient content and high soil pH |
DRHF | Upland Habitats | Dry Hardwood Slopes and Ridges | Forests (closed canopy) and woodlands (open canopy) dominated by hardwoods associated with dry ridges and slopes primarily in the Piedmont and Mountains (in the Coastal Plain, similar habitats would be normally dominated by Longleaf Pine communities); vegetation is characteristically composed of oaks and hickories, usually with an intermixture of upland pines and heath thickets |
HEGB | Upland Habitats | High Elevation Grass Balds | Natural or semi-natural grasslands occurring on the tops of high elevation ridges in the Southern Appalachians |
HEHF | Upland Habitats | High Elevation Hardwood Forests | Forests containing species of birches, maples, poplars, and other species typical of forests growing farther to the north and that are only found at higher elevations (usually above 4,000\' in the Southern Appalachians); |
MBFE | Upland Habitats | Mountain Bogs and Fens | Peatland habitats located at moderate to relatively high elevations in the Southern Appalachians; herbs and shrubs associated with these habitats are often highly disjunct from their major ranges farther north |
MEHS | Upland Habitats | Mesic Hardwood Slopes | Forests composed of hardwoods growing on cool, moist slopes; associated with ravines and north-facing slopes in the Piedmont and more rarely in the Coastal Plain; associated with Coves in the Low Mountains; American Beech (Fagus americanus) and Witch Hazel (Hamamelis virginiana) are found throughout the state in these habitats |
OROB-A | Upland Habitats | Open Rock Outcrops and Glades -- Acidic | Open glades associated with acidic rock formations that are either exposed or buried just below the surface; trees, if present, are often stunted or confined to the margins of the glades (heath barrens are included under Upland Heath Thickets) |
OROB-B | Upland Habitats | Open Rock Outcrops and Glades -- Basic | Open glades associated with basic rock formations that are either exposed or buried just below the surface; trees, if present, are often stunted or confined to the margins of the glades |
SFCF | Upland Habitats | Spruce-fir Coniferous Forests | High elevation conifer forests dominated by Red Spruce (Picea rubens) and Fraser Fir (Abies fraseri); restricted to elevations above 4,500\', now badly ravaged by the Balsam Wooly Adelgid and acid preciptitation |
UPHT | Upland Habitats | Upland Heath Thickets | Thickets of blueberries, azaleas, rhododendrons, and other heaths growing on acidic ridges and drier slopes, including heath balds in the Mountains (species associated with cool, moist habitats are covered by Mesic Hardwood Slopes) |
UNKN | _Habitat Unknown | | |