List of the 92 Odonate species known for Ashe County - Status and Rank Definitions | |||||||
Common Name | Scientific Name | Number of Records | State Status | State Rank | Fed. Status | Global Rank | |
1 | Gray Petaltail | Tachopteryx thoreyi | 4 | S4 | G4 | ||
2 | Black-tipped Darner | Aeshna tuberculifera | 4 | SR | S1 | G5 | |
3 | Shadow Darner | Aeshna umbrosa | 7 | S4 | G5 | ||
4 | Common Green Darner | Anax junius | 19 | S5 | G5 | ||
5 | Comet Darner | Anax longipes | 3 | S4 | G5 | ||
6 | Springtime Darner | Basiaeschna janata | 3 | S5 | G5 | ||
7 | Fawn Darner | Boyeria vinosa | 2 | S5 | G5 | ||
8 | Swamp Darner | Epiaeschna heros | 2 | S5 | G5 | ||
9 | Unicorn Clubtail | Arigomphus villosipes | 4 | S3 | G5 | ||
10 | Black-shouldered Spinyleg | Dromogomphus spinosus | 6 | S5 | G5 | ||
11 | Splendid Clubtail | Gomphurus lineatifrons | 14 | SR | S2 | G4 | |
12 | Cobra Clubtail | Gomphurus vastus | 3 | S3S4 | G5 | ||
13 | Dragonhunter | Hagenius brevistylus | 15 | S5 | G5 | ||
14 | Mustached Clubtail | Hylogomphus adelphus | 1 | SR | S1S2 | G5 | |
15 | Green-faced Clubtail | Hylogomphus viridifrons | 5 | SR | S1 [S1S2] | G3G4 | |
16 | Southern Pygmy Clubtail | Lanthus vernalis | 24 | S4 | G4 | ||
17 | Brook Snaketail | Ophiogomphus aspersus | 1 | SR | S1 | G4 | |
18 | Pygmy Snaketail | Ophiogomphus howei | 1 | SR | S1 | G3 | |
19 | Maine Snaketail | Ophiogomphus mainensis | 2 | W | S3 | G4G5 | |
20 | Rusty Snaketail | Ophiogomphus rupinsulensis | 1 | SR | S1 | G5 | |
21 | Lancet Clubtail | Phanogomphus exilis | 22 | S5 | G5 | ||
22 | Ashy Clubtail | Phanogomphus lividus | 15 | S5 | G5 | ||
23 | Common Sanddragon | Progomphus obscurus | 4 | S5 | G5 | ||
24 | Sable Clubtail | Stenogomphurus rogersi | 2 | W | S3 | G4 | |
25 | Eastern Least Clubtail | Stylogomphus albistylus | 4 | S3S4 | G5 | ||
26 | Zebra Clubtail | Stylurus scudderi | 1 | SR | S1S2 | G5 | |
27 | Arrow Clubtail | Stylurus spiniceps | 6 | S3S4 [S3] | G5 | ||
28 | Brown Spiketail | Zoraena bilineata | 21 | S4 | G5 | ||
29 | Tiger Spiketail | Zoraena erronea | 1 | S3S4 | G4 | ||
30 | Twin-spotted Spiketail | Zoraena maculata | 3 | S4S5 [S4] | G5 | ||
31 | Stream Cruiser | Didymops transversa | 2 | S5 | G5 | ||
32 | Swift River Cruiser | Macromia illinoiensis | 11 | S5 | G5 | ||
33 | American Emerald | Cordulia shurtleffii | 1 | SR | S1 | G5 | |
34 | Common Baskettail | Epitheca cynosura | 13 | S5 | G5 | ||
35 | Prince Baskettail | Epitheca princeps | 9 | S5 | G5 | ||
36 | Stygian Shadowdragon | Neurocordulia yamaskanensis | 1 | SR | S1? | G5 | |
37 | Ski-tipped Emerald | Somatochlora elongata | 1 | SR | S2 | G5 | |
38 | Calico Pennant | Celithemis elisa | 15 | S5 | G5 | ||
39 | Halloween Pennant | Celithemis eponina | 2 | S5 | G5 | ||
40 | Banded Pennant | Celithemis fasciata | 4 | S5 | G5 | ||
41 | Eastern Pondhawk | Erythemis simplicicollis | 17 | S5 | G5 | ||
42 | Little Blue Dragonlet | Erythrodiplax minuscula | 2 | S5 | G5 | ||
43 | Blue Corporal | Ladona deplanata | 4 | S5 | G5 | ||
44 | Golden-winged Skimmer | Libellula auripennis | 1 | S5 | G5 | ||
45 | Bar-winged Skimmer | Libellula axilena | 1 | S5 | G5 | ||
46 | Spangled Skimmer | Libellula cyanea | 13 | S5 | G5 | ||
47 | Yellow-sided Skimmer | Libellula flavida | 1 | S4S5 | G5 | ||
48 | Slaty Skimmer | Libellula incesta | 12 | S5 | G5 | ||
49 | Widow Skimmer | Libellula luctuosa | 20 | S5 | G5 | ||
50 | Twelve-spotted Skimmer | Libellula pulchella | 19 | S4 | G5 | ||
51 | Painted Skimmer | Libellula semifasciata | 7 | S5 | G5 | ||
52 | Great Blue Skimmer | Libellula vibrans | 5 | S5 | G5 | ||
53 | Blue Dasher | Pachydiplax longipennis | 25 | S5 | G5 | ||
54 | Wandering Glider | Pantala flavescens | 1 | S5 | G5 | ||
55 | Eastern Amberwing | Perithemis tenera | 10 | S5 | G5 | ||
56 | Common Whitetail | Plathemis lydia | 30 | S5 | G5 | ||
57 | White-faced Meadowhawk | Sympetrum obtrusum | 2 | SR | S1 | G5 | |
58 | Ruby Meadowhawk | Sympetrum rubicundulum | 3 | S4 | G5 | ||
59 | Band-winged Meadowhawk | Sympetrum semicinctum | 5 | S3 | G5 | ||
60 | Autumn Meadowhawk | Sympetrum vicinum | 23 | S5 | G5 | ||
61 | Carolina Saddlebags | Tramea carolina | 5 | S5 | G5 | ||
62 | Black Saddlebags | Tramea lacerata | 11 | S5 | G5 | ||
63 | Red Saddlebags | Tramea onusta | 1 | SZN | G5 | ||
64 | Great Spreadwing | Archilestes grandis | 1 | S3S4 | G5 | ||
65 | Southern Spreadwing | Lestes australis | 3 | S5 | G5 | ||
66 | Amber-winged Spreadwing | Lestes eurinus | 4 | W | S3 | G5 | |
67 | Sweetflag Spreadwing | Lestes forcipatus | 1 | SR | S1S2 [S1?] | G5 | |
68 | Slender Spreadwing | Lestes rectangularis | 15 | S5 | G5 | ||
69 | Swamp Spreadwing | Lestes vigilax | 4 | S5 | G5 | ||
70 | Sparkling Jewelwing | Calopteryx dimidiata | 1 | S5 | G5 | ||
71 | Ebony Jewelwing | Calopteryx maculata | 45 | S5 | G5 | ||
72 | American Rubyspot | Hetaerina americana | 12 | S5 | G5 | ||
73 | Smoky Rubyspot | Hetaerina titia | 4 | S5 | G5 | ||
74 | Eastern Red Damsel | Amphiagrion saucium | 8 | S3S4 | G5 | ||
75 | Blue-fronted Dancer | Argia apicalis | 1 | S5 | G5 | ||
76 | Variable Dancer | Argia fumipennis | 32 | S5 | G5 | ||
77 | Powdered Dancer | Argia moesta | 13 | S5 | G5 | ||
78 | Blue-ringed Dancer | Argia sedula | 2 | S5 | G5 | ||
79 | Dusky Dancer | Argia translata | 3 | S4 | G5 | ||
80 | Aurora Damsel | Chromagrion conditum | 18 | S3S4 | G5 | ||
81 | Azure Bluet | Enallagma aspersum | 15 | S4 | G5 | ||
82 | Double-striped Bluet | Enallagma basidens | 9 | S5 | G5 | ||
83 | Familiar Bluet | Enallagma civile | 10 | S5 | G5 | ||
84 | Turquoise Bluet | Enallagma divagans | 4 | S5 | G5 | ||
85 | Stream Bluet | Enallagma exsulans | 6 | S5 | G5 | ||
86 | Skimming Bluet | Enallagma geminatum | 2 | S5 | G5 | ||
87 | Hagen's Bluet | Enallagma hageni | 16 | S3 | G5 | ||
88 | Orange Bluet | Enallagma signatum | 5 | S5 | G5 | ||
89 | Slender Bluet | Enallagma traviatum | 6 | S5 | G5 | ||
90 | Citrine Forktail | Ischnura hastata | 10 | S5 | G5 | ||
91 | Fragile Forktail | Ischnura posita | 21 | S5 | G5 | ||
92 | Eastern Forktail | Ischnura verticalis | 27 | S4 | G5 |