The Dragonflies and Damselflies of North Carolina
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Notes on the Odonates of NC
Common Name County Date Observer(s) Number Comments Record Type
1 Swift Setwing [Dythemis velox] Mecklenburg 1965-08-07 R. Duncan Cuyler 2 Male=2, city=Mint Hill, directions=Sec. Rd. #3173, habitat=Jims Lake, source=R DUNCAN CUYLER COLLECTION-FSCA Collect
2 Swift Setwing [Dythemis velox] Mecklenburg 2014-06-28 Carl Ganser 1 Reedy Creek NP, beside dragonfly pond Photo online
3 Swift Setwing [Dythemis velox] Mecklenburg 2022-07-21 Ken Kneidel 1 Clark's Creek Nature Preserve Photo online
4 Swift Setwing [Dythemis velox] Mecklenburg 2023-09-06 George Andrews 1 Upper Mountain Island Lake/Catawba River. - On unusually low perch, less than 3 feet above water. Poor cellphone pic. Photo
5 Swift Setwing [Dythemis velox] Mecklenburg 2018-06-28 Robert Gilson 3 Albert Stevens Sight
6 Swift Setwing [Dythemis velox] Mecklenburg 2018-07-12 Robert Gilson 2 Reedy Creek Nature Preserve Sight
7 Swift Setwing [Dythemis velox] Mecklenburg 2018-08-04 Robert Gilson and Chris Talkington 1 Cowan's Ford Wildlife Refuge Sight
8 Swift Setwing [Dythemis velox] Mecklenburg 2018-08-12 Robert Gilson 1 West Branch Nature Preserve Sight