Notes on the Odonates of NC
10 records
Common Name County Date Observer(s) Number Comments Record Type
1 Gray Petaltail [Tachopteryx thoreyi] Durham 1988-05-01 S. Hall? 0 ENRI Sight
2 Gray Petaltail [Tachopteryx thoreyi] Durham 2002-06-25 H. Geiser 1 ENRI - Observed perched on a tree trunk off of Cole Mill trail. The time was 11:45 am and the temperature was 88 F. Sight
3 Gray Petaltail [Tachopteryx thoreyi] Durham 2002-07-05 H. Geiser K. Bagy 1 ENRI - Observed perched on a tree trunk along the Pea Creek Trail just past the Cole Mill Bridge. It was a decid. forest habitat along the river's edge. The temperature was 90 F and the time observed was 15:00 pm. Sight
4 Gray Petaltail [Tachopteryx thoreyi] Durham 2005-06-10 Adrienne Wallace 1 ENRI - 11:45 am, perched on a power pole at the intersection of the Hillsborough Coach Road trail and the second powerline crossing. Sight
5 Gray Petaltail [Tachopteryx thoreyi] Durham ? Duncan Cuyler 1 Donnelly, T.W. 2004. Distribution of North American Odonata. Part I, Part II and Part III d
6 Gray Petaltail [Tachopteryx thoreyi] Durham 2009-06-07 R. Emmitt, Ricky Davis 2 ENRI Cole Mill Access - one perched on my shoulder and faced off a Dragonhunter. Sight
7 Gray Petaltail [Tachopteryx thoreyi] Durham 2010-04-06 B. Bockhahn 1 FALA - Knapp of Reeds Sight
8 Gray Petaltail [Tachopteryx thoreyi] Durham 2015-06-08 Mike Turner 1 G.W. Hill Forest - Camp Slocum Sight
9 Gray Petaltail [Tachopteryx thoreyi] Durham 2015-06-05 John Petranka 1 Hill Demonstration Forest. Flat River at State Forest Rd. bridge. - Male. Perched on concrete bridge approach. Very tame. Photo online
10 Gray Petaltail [Tachopteryx thoreyi] Durham 2015-05-22 John Petranka, Sally Gewalt. 1 On tree trunk near small seep. East of Horton Grove Preserve parking area, across power line clearing. - Male. This individual rather skittish. Photo