Notes on the Odonates of NC
3 records
Common Name County Date Observer(s) Number Comments Record Type
1 Gray Petaltail [Tachopteryx thoreyi] Franklin 1992-05-24 R. Duncan Cuyler 2 Male=2, city=Louisburg, directions=4 miles south on Rt. 401, habitat=Cedar Creek, source=R DUNCAN CUYLER COLLECTION-IORI Collect
2 Gray Petaltail [Tachopteryx thoreyi] Franklin 1993-05-27 R. Duncan Cuyler 1 sex=MALE, directions=@ Vance County line, habitat=Tar River, addl_habitat=riprap on south, source=R DUNCAN CUYLER COLLECTION-IORI Collect
3 Gray Petaltail [Tachopteryx thoreyi] Franklin 1966-05-28 R. Duncan Cuyler 1 sex=FEMALE, directions=Rt 64, 6.4 Ml E of Granville, habitat=Middle Creek, source=R DUNCAN CUYLER COLLECTION-FSCA Collect