Notes on the Odonates of NC
13 records
Common Name County Date Observer(s) Number Comments Record Type
1 Widow Skimmer [Libellula luctuosa] Alamance 2024-06-01 Paul Hart 2 Snow Camp Sight
2 Widow Skimmer [Libellula luctuosa] Alamance 2021-07-24 Paul Hart 1 Snow Camp Sight
3 Widow Skimmer [Libellula luctuosa] Alamance 2021-07-16 Paul Hart 2 Snow Camp Sight
4 Widow Skimmer [Libellula luctuosa] Alamance 2020-07-02 Sarah Stevens, Paul Hart 2 Cane Creek Mountains Natural Area Sight
5 Widow Skimmer [Libellula luctuosa] Alamance 2018-07-17 Mike Turner 1 Haw River @ SR 1561 (Hub Mill Rd.) Sight
6 Widow Skimmer [Libellula luctuosa] Alamance 2018-07-17 Mike Turner 5 Big Alamance Creek @ SR 2116 (Swepsonville Rd.) Sight
7 Widow Skimmer [Libellula luctuosa] Alamance 2018-06-14 Mike Turner 2 Town Branch at SR 2109 Sight
8 Widow Skimmer [Libellula luctuosa] Alamance 2018-06-14 Mike Turner 3 Big Alamance Creek @ SR 2116 Sight
9 Widow Skimmer [Libellula luctuosa] Alamance 2016-08-30 John Petranka 5 Haw River along Haw River Trail downstream from bridge at Swepsonville. Males. Photo. Photo
10 Widow Skimmer [Libellula luctuosa] Alamance 2016-08-30 John Petranka 4 Swepsonville. Pond near junction NC county Rd 2158 and Hillside Drive. Males. Photo. Photo
11 Widow Skimmer [Libellula luctuosa] Alamance 2014-08-16 John Petranka 20 Pond at Cedarock Park Sight
12 Widow Skimmer [Libellula luctuosa] Alamance 2014-06-21 John Petranka 1 Great Bend Park at Glencoe - Around unnamed tributary of Haw River at western edge of the park. Sight
13 Widow Skimmer [Libellula luctuosa] Alamance 1975-05-21 R. Duncan Cuyler 1 sex=MALE, city=Graham, habitat=Graham Memorial, source=R DUNCAN CUYLER COLLECTION-FSCA Collect