Notes on the Odonates of NC
3 records
Common Name County Date Observer(s) Number Comments Record Type
1 Blue-faced Meadowhawk [Sympetrum ambiguum] Forsyth 2019-07-28 Mike Turner 1 Horizons Park - ad.male Sight
2 Blue-faced Meadowhawk [Sympetrum ambiguum] Forsyth 1984-09-18 R. Duncan Cuyler 1 sex=MALE, directions=area of, habitat=Lake Winston, source=INTERNATIONAL ODONATA RESEARCH INSTITUTE-FSCA Collect
3 Blue-faced Meadowhawk [Sympetrum ambiguum] Forsyth 1984-09-14 R. Duncan Cuyler 2 sex=MALE, directions=area of, habitat=Lake Winston, source=R DUNCAN CUYLER COLLECTION-FSCA Collect