Notes on the Odonates of NC
5 records
Common Name County Date Observer(s) Number Comments Record Type
1 Dusky Dancer [Argia translata] Moore; P 1987-07-07 R. Duncan Cuyler 1 sex=MALE, city=Philadelphia, directions=west, habitat=Mill Creek, source=R DUNCAN CUYLER COLLECTION-FSCA Collect
2 Dusky Dancer [Argia translata] Moore; P 1987-07-07 R. Duncan Cuyler 2 sex=COP/WHEEL, city=High Falls, habitat=Deep River, source=R DUNCAN CUYLER COLLECTION-FSCA Collect
3 Dusky Dancer [Argia translata] Moore; P 1986-08-19 R. Duncan Cuyler 1 sex=MALE, city=High Falls, habitat=Deep River, source=INTERNATIONAL ODONATA RESEARCH INSTITUTE-FSCA Collect
4 Dusky Dancer [Argia translata] Moore; C 1969-07-24 R. Duncan Cuyler 1 sex=MALE, city=Jackson Springs, directions=off Rt 73, habitat=trib to Drowing, source=R DUNCAN CUYLER COLLECTION-FSCA Collect
5 Dusky Dancer [Argia translata] Moore; P 1967-08-14 R. Duncan Cuyler 1 sex=MALE, directions=Rt. 24-27, 2 miles east of, habitat=Mill Creek, source=R DUNCAN CUYLER COLLECTION-IORI Collect