Notes on the Odonates of NC
8 records
Common Name County Date Observer(s) Number Comments Record Type
1 Stream Cruiser [Didymops transversa] Buncombe 2011-05-10 Vin Stanton 1 also imaged a few days prior by Virginia Senechal, imaged at Beaver Lake Asheville Photo online
2 Stream Cruiser [Didymops transversa] Buncombe 2012-04-05 Vin Stanton, Doug Johnston 1 Sandy Mush gamelands northern Buncombe County - Male Photo online
3 Stream Cruiser [Didymops transversa] Buncombe 2012-04-20 Doug Johnston 2 Photo
4 Stream Cruiser [Didymops transversa] Buncombe 2012-05-06 Doug Johnston 1 Sandy Mush Gamelands Sight
5 Stream Cruiser [Didymops transversa] Buncombe 1964-05-23 R. Duncan Cuyler 1 sex=FEMALE, city=Black Mountain, habitat=Begley's Pond, source=R DUNCAN CUYLER COLLECTION-FSCA Collect
6 Stream Cruiser [Didymops transversa] Buncombe 2013-05-03 Vin Stanton, Doug Johnston 2 Sandy Mush gamelands northern Buncombe County - Male & Female Sight
7 Stream Cruiser [Didymops transversa] Buncombe 2016-06-06 John Petranka, Jim Petranka 1 Lake Powhatan, Bent Creek Experimental Forest. Male. Photo. Photo
8 Stream Cruiser [Didymops transversa] Buncombe 2022-05-04 Vin Stanton 2 Woodfin River Park, French Broad river - Male Sight