Notes on the Odonates of NC
8 records
Common Name County Date Observer(s) Number Comments Record Type
1 Common Baskettail [Epitheca cynosura] Alamance 2024-04-27 Matt Spangler 4 Haw River--Swepsonville to Saxapahaw Sight
2 Common Baskettail [Epitheca cynosura] Alamance 2024-04-26 Matt Spangler 5 Haw River--upper Alamance Co (upriver of Glencoe) Sight
3 Common Baskettail [Epitheca cynosura] Alamance 2023-04-21 Matt Spangler 6 Haw River--upper Alamance Co. (Altamahaw, Glencoe) Sight
4 Common Baskettail [Epitheca cynosura] Alamance 2018-04-21 Mike Turner 1 Haw River @ Swepsonville River Park Sight
5 Common Baskettail [Epitheca cynosura] Alamance 2015-05-13 John Petranka 10 Cedarock Park. Pond near the picnic shelter. - Males on the wing. Photo
6 Common Baskettail [Epitheca cynosura] Alamance 2015-05-03 John Petranka, Sally Gewalt 3 Great Bend Park at Glencoe. - Males feeding along Haw River shore. Photo
7 Common Baskettail [Epitheca cynosura] Alamance 1975-05-21 R. Duncan Cuyler 1 sex=MALE, city=Graham, habitat=Graham Memorial, source=R DUNCAN CUYLER COLLECTION-FSCA Collect
8 Common Baskettail [Epitheca cynosura] Alamance 1973-04-15 R. Duncan Cuyler 2 sex=MALE& FEMALE, city=Swepsonville, source=INTERNATIONAL ODONATA RESEARCH INSTITUTE-FSCA Collect