Tardigrades of North Carolina
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View PDFRamazzottiidae Members: 2 NC Records

Ramazzottius cf. oberhaeuseri (Doyère, 1840) - No Common Name

Habitus, Brightfield, specimen from France, Stec et al. 2018
Class: EutardigradaOrder: Parachela Family: Ramazzottiidae Checklist Number: 1520.0 Synonym: Ramazzottius oberhaeuseri
Taxonomic Comments: This is a pseudocryptic species complex that was examined and an amended species description given by Stec et al. 2018.
Species Notes: Terrestrial. These records were originally given as R. oberhaeuseri, but they were made when this was thought to be a single cosmopolitan species. Stec et al. 2018, delineated eight species in this complex, solely from European sources. Currently, R. oberhaeuseri s.s. is only known to occur in France. We have changed the designation to Ramazzottius cf. oberhaeuseri.
Online resources:Online Photographs: Google, GBIF                                                                                 
Species Description: Pigmentation of the cuticle from a light-red to a red-brown chequered pattern on the dorsum (Fig. 3). The pigmented surface is divided by four longitudinal and eight transversal transparent stripes that delineate five longitudinal stripes and nine transversal pigmented bands. The central longitudinal stripe of pigmentation extends from the first transversal transparent stripe on the head to the end of the body and is composed of two rows of pigmented squares (c. 15 for each row, Fig. 3). Each of these pigmented squares has a central non-pigmented circular region (body muscle attachment). Cuticle smooth to weakly sculptured (Fig. 3–10, 11–12 and 50). Under standard PCM, dorsal cuticle smooth (Fig 3–7), whereas under SEM weak sculpture is visible, especially on caudo-dorsal region with a weakly outlined flat irregular polygons (Fig. 8–10 and 12). This faint sculpture is also occasionally visible under PCM in some of freshly mounted specimens (Fig. 11), but the sculpturing disappears quickly and cuticle appears smooth in fully Hoyerfixed specimens (Fig. 5–7 and 50) and in water-mounted animals, i.e., as observed by Doy?ere (1840) (Fig. 3). In some specimens, hind legs with a small papilla (Fig. 10, empty arrowhead and Fig. 13–14, visible only if well orientated). Two cephalic elliptical organs poorly visible under PCM (Fig. 5, arrowhead), but always clear in SEM (Fig. 8, arrowhead). Eyes absent in live animals. Bucco-pharyngeal apparatus of the Ramazzottius type (Figs 15–21). Mouth opening antero-ventral, surrounded by six large peribuccal sensory lobes evident only in SEM (Fig. 16). The oral cavity armature composed of two posterior bands of teeth (Fig. 17, empty arrowheads). The first band of teeth, located on the ring fold, is continuous and composed of very small cone-shaped teeth arranged in 3– 5 irregular rows (Fig. 17, arrowhead). The second band of teeth, located just behind the first band, is composed of a single row of eight large and regularly spaced coneshaped teeth. The band is divided into the dorsal and the ventral part, each with four teeth (Fig. 17, empty arrowheads). All teeth visible in SEM (Fig. 17). Under PCM, the first band of teeth not visible, the second band barely detectable only in some specimens (Fig. 15, empty arrowheads). Apophyses for the insertion of stylet muscles (AISM) in the shape of blunt hooks and asymmetrical in size and shape respect to the frontal plane. Stylet furcae with rounded apices (Fig. 18). Buccal tube with thickened walls posteriorly from the stylet support insertion point (Figs 15 and 18) and with a posterior bend. Pharyngeal bulb (bulbus) almost oval, with evident apophyses and two clearly separated macroplacoids (Fig. 15). Pharyngeal apophyses triangular, smaller than macroplacoids (Figs 15, 18, and 21). The first macroplacoid slightly elongated, the second roundish, but the size and shape of placoids exhibit considerable variation. The first macroplacoid with a clear central constriction visible both under PCM (Fig. 15, upper insert, indented arrowhead) and in SEM (Fig. 21, indented arrowhead), whereas the slight subterminal constriction in the second macroplacoid is detectable only under SEM (Fig. 21, indented arrowhead). Macroplacoid length configuration 2<1. Microplacoid and septulum absent (Figs 15, 18, and 21). Claws of the Ramazzottius type. Primary branches of external and posterior claws long and thin. Internal and anterior claws much smaller and of a different shape than the external and posterior claws (Fig. 22–25). Bases of external and posterior claws distinctly enlarged. Hind claws with small and smooth pseudolunules (Figs 23 and 25, arrowheads). In bigger specimens, pseudolunules are sometimes also present under claws I–III, but they are always less developed than in claws IV (Figs 22 and 24, arrowheads). The primary branches of external and posterior claws attached to the secondary branch by a flexible, not sclerotized and light-refracting portion (Fig. 22–25, indented arrowheads). The external and posterior primary branches with the basal swelling, i.e., the diameter of the branch decreases from branch base to the branch curving. Accessory points on primary branches of all claws present. Bars and other cuticular thickenings on legs absent.
-Stec et al. 2018
Body Length: Maximum 500 microns.
Key Characters: See R. baumanni for genus characters. In this species the maroon granules are in 9 horizontal bands with obvious longitudinal unpigmented rows creating 5 longitudinal bands of pigment. For other differences see Stec et al. 2018
ID Requirements: Identifiable only by close inspection of key characters or by DNA analysis.
Distribution in North Carolina
County Map: Clicking on a county returns the records for the species in that county.
 High Mountains (HM) ≥ 4,000 ft.
 Low Mountains (LM) < 4,000 ft.
 Piedmont (Pd)
 Coastal Plain (CP)

Click on graph to enlarge
Habitats and Life History
Habitats: Moss and lichen.
Abundance: Unknown.
Diet: Herbivorous.
Reproduction: Ornamented eggs deposited externally and rarely in exuvium.
Observation Methods: PC.

 Photo Gallery for Ramazzottius cf. oberhaeuseri - No common name

Photos: 7

Recorded by: Higgins on 1959-01-25
Orange Co.
Comment: Habitus, Brightfield, specimen from France, Stec et al. 2018
Recorded by: Higgins on 1959-01-25
Orange Co.
Comment: Habitus, DIC French specimen, Stec et al. 2018
Recorded by: Higgins on 1959-01-25
Orange Co.
Comment: Dorsal cuticle, SEM French specimen, Stec et al. 2018
Recorded by: Higgins on 1959-01-25
Orange Co.
Comment: Buccal apparatus, PC and SEM French specimen, Stec et al. 2018
Recorded by: Higgins on 1959-01-25
Orange Co.
Comment: Buccal apparatus, SEM French specimen, Stec et al. 2018
Recorded by: Higgins on 1959-01-25
Orange Co.
Comment: Claws, PC and SEM French specimen, Stec et al. 2018
Recorded by: Higgins on 1959-01-25
Orange Co.
Comment: Eggs, PC French specimen, Stec et al. 2018