Hymenoptera of North Carolina

Welcome to the "Hymenoptera of North Carolina" website!

Scientific Name:
Habropoda laboriosa
Habropoda laboriosa by Steve Hall
Blueberry Digger Bee
Halictus ligatus
Halictus ligatus by Steve Hall

Aims of this website

Our intention with this website is to take a closer look at our native Hymenopterans. We have two main aims in this regard:

• Provide information to people who are interested in learning more about the Hymenopterans found in our state. This website aims to provide a compendium of all of the bees, wasps, ants, sawflies and other Hymenopteran species recorded in North Carolina, with pictures of each species, information on species identification, general information about their distribution in the state (by county), their relative abundance in the state, their seasonal occurrence in the state, their habitats, and their food preferences, as well as additional comments on the species (such as notable facts, taxonomic issues, or population trends). County maps of occurrence are provided for each species.

• Build a base of public support for the conservation of Hymenoptera and their habitats in North Carolina. We want to make clear the situation that faces Hymenopterans in terms of their continued survival in our state and share this information to help guide conservation decisions made by individual land-owners, conservation organizations, governmental agencies, and particularly by the public. To accomplish these goals, especially where they involve Hymenopterans or other species not usually given much public attention, we need to make our case from the best evidence we can muster, placing the plight of Hymenopterans well within the context of the larger world of which both we and they are an important part.

How to navigate the website

To see a species account, start typing the scientific name in the Search Scientific Name field or, if a common name exists, the common name is the Search Common Name field. Names of species appear on the screen; click on the correct species that you want, so that the full name appears in the field box; then click Find (to the right). Once you are at a species account, you can navigate to the previous species in the checklist sequence by clicking on the Megachile on the left, or to the next species in the checklist order by clicking on the Megachileon the right. You can also get to additional species by entering text in either of the Search Common or Search Scientific boxes; click on the full species name; then click on the blue Find tab. A third way to get to another species (within the same Family) is to click the down arrow under the scientific name, where the box shows other members in the Family; click on the species of interest.

How to Identify a Hymenopteran

While we will eventually have identification tips included in the Species Accounts for all species that occur in the state, there are a number of other identification guides that already exist and are specifically tailored for identifying an unknown Hymenopteran. Information on these resources is included in the Identification Guides tab on the main menu bar located at the top of the Home Page.

How to become a Citizen Scientist

One of our main aims is to involve the public in documenting the distribution and habitat associations of the state’s Hymenopteran fauna. We therefore welcome records from anyone wishes to submit for species observed in North Carolina. Information on how to submit records and the details we need to vet the records are included in the Citizen Science tab on the main menu bar located at the top of the Home Page.

Number of NC taxa: 594

Number of taxa with records: 550

Number of records: 23,745

Number of photos: var_num_photos