Mammals of North Carolina:
their Distribution and Abundance

Yancey County

Sylvilagus obscurusAppalachian Cottontail2019-07-31Steve Hall and Bo Sullivan2Short ears, reddish nape - Mt. Mitchell State Park. Roadside next to maintenance areaphoto02_Photo
Sylvilagus obscurusAppalachian Cottontail2017-06-25Marcus Simpson, Marilyn Westphal and Nora Murdock3About 9am, two feeding alongside the road, the third feeding alongside the trail in the picnic area. The roadside areas are largely lined with Fraser fir and rhododendron. The cottontail in the picnic area was eating broad leafed plants along the trail. - All at Mount Mitchell State Park, two along the road and the third in the MMSP picnic area. The one in the photo was in the MMSP picnic area.photo02_Photo
Sylvilagus obscurusAppalachian Cottontail2013-09-28Roland Kays1Many seen, easy to approach - Mt Gibbes, 35.739124, -82.285235photo02_Photo
Sylvilagus obscurusAppalachian Cottontail1993-00-00A. Jones and G.F. Wilhere5MOMI - 1993; high elevation heaths 05_Sight
Sylvilagus obscurusAppalachian Cottontail0000-00-000Lee et al.10_Lee